Have Something to Say?

The District 35 Newsletter welcomes and encourages all Toastmaster members to submit noteworthy happenings of your club, area, and division! We are also looking for articles sharing your knowledge, expertise, and experience—what works, and perhaps, what has not, along with the steps that which arrived to a positive solution.

The Newsletter will be published 4 times per year (October, December, March, May/June):  Deadline for submission is the last day of the prior month. Please submit complete articles and article ideas to Susan Brushafer.

June 2024 Newsletter

In This Issue: Messages From the District 35 Trio & IPDD (June Message From the District Director; Empathize, Humanize, Revitalize; Leave Your Comfort Zone This Summer; Navigating “Crazy” Nairobi Traffic) Toastmasters After Hours

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March 2024 Newsletter

Jason Feucht, DTM – District Director Robert Wall, DTM – Program Quality Director Theresa Flynn, DTM – Club Growth Director A Message from Your District Director Greetings Fellow District 35

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December 2023 Newsletter

Messages From the District 35 Trio Jason Feucht, DTM – District Director Robert Wall, DTM – Program Quality Director Theresa Flynn, DTM – Club Growth Director Previous Next A Message

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October 2023 Newsletter

Messages From the District 35 Trio Jason Feucht, DTM – District Director Robert Wall, DTM – Program Quality Director Theresa Flynn, DTM – Club Growth Director Previous Next A Future-Focused

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June 2023 Newsletter

Table of Contents Jennifer Kibicho, DTM – District Director District 35 Platinum Year: Remember, Rejoice, Recommit Finishing This Year Strong & Starting Next Year Right When I joined Toastmasters in

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April 2023 Newsletter

Table of Contents Jennifer Kibicho, DTM – District Director District Director Letter District 35 Platinum Year: Remember, Rejoice, Recommit Tracking Progress, Rejoicing in Success, Opportunities, and Finishing The Year Strong

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February/March 2023 Newsletter

Table of Contents Jennifer Kibicho, DTM – District Director District 35 Platinum Year: Remember, Rejoice, Recommit Celebrating Milestones, Making Quality Decisions to Endure the Tough Times and Playing the Long

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December 2022 Newsletter

Table of Contents Jennifer Kibicho, DTM – District Director District 35 Platinum Year: Remember, Rejoice, Recommit This year, our District celebrated a milestone event—70 years as a District! We celebrated

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October 2022 Newsletter

Table of Contents Jennifer Kibicho, DTM – District Director Opening Notes from Your District Director What does Queen Elizabeth II have to do with our District?  Read the following article

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August 2022 Newsletter

Table of Contents Meet the 2022-23 District 35 Trio! Jennifer Kibicho, DTM – District Director Jennifer has a PhD in Economics and is also a Certified Public Accountant of Kenya.

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June 2022 Newsletter

Table of Contents Teri McGregor – District Director Thrive in 35! In the last couple of months, I’ve done a lot of reflection both on the last year and on

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April 2022 Newsletter

Table of Contents Teri McGregor – District Director Annual Business Meeting May 7, 2022 9:00 a.m. Mark your calendars for the annual business meeting!  This meeting will take place virtually

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