Table of Contents

Opening Notes from Your District Director
What does Queen Elizabeth II have to do with our District? Read the following article to find out.
District 35 Platinum Celebration on November 19, 2022: Remember, Rejoice, Recommit
70 years ago, two profound events happened…
The first event occurred on February 6, 1952, when Queen Elizabeth II became Queen of England while on holiday in my country, Kenya. In 1952, my country was one of 70 colonies that formed the Commonwealth of Nations. Thankfully, we gained independence from Britain on June 1, 1963. Today, only 14 British Colonies remain under British rule.
The second event occurred four months later on July 1, 1952 when District 35 Toastmasters was formed with 100% male membership. (Women formed their own organization, International Toastmistress Clubs (ITC), in 1938. They were not allowed to join Toastmasters until 1973.)
It takes a big vision, major commitment, steadfast focus, and a lot of teamwork to form a District. I can picture Cliffor M. Teuchert (our first District Governor) and his team sitting at a coffee shop mapping out a strategy, including setting goals for new clubs and membership numbers, so they could hit their target and get Toastmasters International (TI) approval to be a District. (We were included with Illinois in a district at that time.) Back in those days, there was no Zoom or email to facilitate communication. Any planning needed to happen either face-to-face, over the phone or through letters. Finally, the day came: they had the numbers needed to put in the paperwork to become free from that “other” state! (You know that the Brewers and the Cubs do not see eye to eye. Not to mention the Packers and the Bears!)
Over the intervening years District 35 membership grew while Queen Elizabeth’s territory shrunk considerably as country upon country demanded independence from her rule. Both experienced times of social unrest, political upheaval, and economic challenges, while one (Britain) has had a fair share of scandals. Television, the Internet, and Social Media changed the way we communicated. Both District 35 and Her Majesty’s reign survived and evolved through the turbulent years and the challenges and changes presented by technology and social movements.
Queen Elizabeth’s reign as the ruler of the Commonwealth for all those years was a symbol of stability and dignity. Indeed, she hosted 14 US presidents and 15 UK Prime ministers held office at different points during her tenure.
Toastmasters and our District grew with the times and became more diverse in terms of gender and ethnicity. Toastmaster’s International Directors were all white men until 1986. They were all men until 1994. Over the past couple of decades several women and men of various ethnicities have held this office. District 35 made Toastmasters’ history recently by having the first Trio which consisted of all women – and we did that 2 years in a row! In 2019-20 we had Rozaline Janci (our first District Director of Indian heritage), Kris Pool, and Teri McGregor. In 2020-21 we had Kris Pool, Teri McGregor, and me. This year, I am proud to be the first Kenyan-American to serve as your District Director.
I drew 3 inspirations from a quick study of the Majesty’s reign: Remember, Rejoice and Recommit.
Remember: Recognize the power of a singular decision and a made-up mind. On her 21st birthday, in a radio broadcast, the then Princess Elizabeth made a commitment to dedicate the rest of her life in service to her country. That commitment would be tested time again through hardships and dynamic changes.
Rejoice: Celebrate when you have a chance to do so. In June 2022, the world was treated to a most spectacular Platinum Celebration as Britain celebrated 70 years of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s reign. Among the most memorable events was a video clip of the Queen of England, at the young age of 86 years old, pulling off a stunt with Daniel Craig as James Bond during the 2012 London Olympic Games. It was most impressive to watch.
Fast forward three months to September 8, 2022: Headlines around the world broadcast the news that Queen Elizabeth II was no more, and that King Charles III was the new monarch of Britain. As I watched the news coverage and remembered that Britain had come together in June to celebrate the Platinum 70-year reign of Her Majesty, I could not help but wonder whether the British were thankful for having had the chance to express their appreciation and gratitude to the Queen for her sacrifice and service to her country while she was still alive.
Recommit: Prioritize legacy and recommit to a lifetime of service: Queen Elizabeth II took power at the young age of 25 years when her dad, King George IV, suddenly died. The Queen was a young mother of a 3-year-old toddler when she took the throne. She was the longest-reigning monarch in the history of Britain (and second-longest in the world).
Queen Elizabeth’s son, King Charles III, is the oldest monarch to be crowned King. Like his mum 70 years ago, on becoming the King of England King Charles III committed to carry on the legacy of his mama and spend the rest of what remained of his life in service to the people.
My fellow toastmasters, this year we celebrate 70 years as a District. Those who came before us had a dream, and they did their part to pass on the baton to us. During those 70 years, there must have been times when they questioned and wondered if their dream would survive. Through it all, persistence and steadfast commitment prevailed.
On November 19, 2022, our District will be celebrating a milestone event—70 years as a District! I invite everyone to come spend the evening with us to celebrate the vision of those great men who made it possible for us to have not only our District 35 but a Toastmasters’ Club near us. Let us recommit to keep the fire burning, and in turn pass on the torch to the next generation.
Please RSVP TODAY to attend the District 35 Platinum Gala celebration. Let us come together to Remember, Rejoice & Recommit to the power of our Toastmaster’s Promise. I hope to see many of you in person on Saturday, November 19 at 5 p.m. CDT at the Brookfield Conference Center. If you can’t attend in person, I encourage you to attend via Zoom.
Please check out the District 35 Website for the agenda and speaker details.
Save The Date: Platinum Gala Celebration on November 19, 2022
Here is some important information about the event.
Location: Brookfield Conference Center on 325 S Moorland Rd, Brookfield, WI 53005
Date & Time: November 19, 2022 @ 5:00 PM
Keynote: Toastmasters International Region 5 Director Monnica Rose, DTM
Theme: Remember, Rejoice & Recommit
MCs: Justin Gottfreid, DTM, Past International Director
Kofi Abaidoo, CC, Past Area D1 Director
Kathrine Yets, VC5, Public Relations Manager
DJ: Jeff Ebel, DTM & DJ Lyriks
Gala Registration Information – Regular Pricing
- Club Registration – $120 for every 4 club members
- Individual Registration – Club Registered: $25.00
- Individual Registration – Club Not Registered: $50.00
- Guest Registration –$50.00
Register Today! The Eventbrite Link is:
For more information about the event, please check out the District 35 Event page.

A Message from Your Program Quality Director
Greetings District 35 Toastmasters,
As we enter the fall, it’s a good time to take stock of where you are on your personal goals and education journey this year, as well as where your club is as we start the second Toastmasters quarter.
How are you doing on your personal goals? If you have not set a personal Toastmasters Goal, I encourage you to do so. Set something that will help you hold yourself accountable, yet is attainable. For example, my individual Toastmasters goal is to give at least one speech in my current path per quarter, and to take on a role or actively participate in every Toastmasters meeting I attend. Wouldn’t it be great if every one of us had and then attained a goal similar to that?
What’s your goal? Is it something simple? Is it one speech a quarter, or month, or to take on a new meeting role? Is it to complete your path, finish your DTM project, or just give your icebreaker? Strive to work on the things that brought you to Toastmasters – that’s why we are here.
As a club, take stock of your goals as well. Both officers and members can do this; we are all part of the club. How is your club doing? Is it having quality, educational, and fun meetings? Are your members needs being met? How does your club look through the eyes of a guest or new member? We all are part of the culture and quality of our clubs. A great way to set your club up for success it to do a Club Success Plan. If your club has not already done one, I highly encourage you to do so.
Finally, if your club is looking for guidance and help, I encourage you to check out the District Sponsored Club Support Seminars. These bimonthly sessions are focused on providing tangible information that clubs can use to grow and improve their club quality. Please check them out.
If you are interested in helping support Training, Contests, the District Conference, or any other aspect of Program Quality, please feel free to reach out to me at
Thank you for your commitment to yourself through Toastmasters.
Club Officer Training
Summer Training – Facts & Figures
Summer Club Officer Training is now complete. We had an outstanding series of training and had the majority of clubs and club officers participate in training.
- 413 of the 630 (65.56%) of our club officers of clubs in good standing completed training
- 26 club officers from clubs in other Districts attended training in District 35
- 70 Clubs have 4 or more officers trained and have earned partial credit for the training goal in the distinguished club program (77.78% of the clubs in good standing)
- 17 Clubs had 7 of 7 Officers trained
- Congratulations to:
- Generally Speaking Toastmasters
- Leading Voices
- Marq Our Words
- NM Speaks!
- Oak Creek Toastmasters
- Pewaukee Speaks
- Rasmussen College Toastmasters
- Reedsburg Area Club
- Resource Advanced Toastmasters Club
- Rolling Hills Toastmasters Club
- Sentry Toastmasters Club
- Smokey’s Sensations
- Southshore Toastmasters Club
- Tosa/Medical Club
- Waukesha Toastmasters Club
- Well Toasted
- Congratulations to:
Please take one last review of the club training records for your club and please email me at if you are missing any training ASAP.
Winter Training
Winter Club Officer training is right around the corner. I’m pleased to announce some preliminary information.
- “Early Bird” Winter Club Officer Training – November 19, 2022 – 1:00 to 4:00 PM
Do you want to get your club officer training out of the way prior to the Holidays and the end of the year? If so, this is the hybrid event for you. This 3-hour session will cover the key material that will be covered in the Winter TLI, and other make up sessions that will be offered after the 1st of the year. This session is prior to the District 35 70th Anniversary Celebration for individuals interested in attending that event.
- Virtual “Early Bird” Winter Club Officer Training registration:
- In Person “Early Bird” Winter Club Officer Training registration:
- Save the Date: Winter TLI will be the morning of Saturday January 21st – watch the Weekly News and other communications for more information and registration details!
- Make-up Training will be announced and will include both weekend and weeknight options.
Speech Contests
Contest Season is here! This year District 35 will be holding the Tall Tales Contest as well as the International Speech Contest. For more information on Contests see:
Contest Formats & Timelines
- Club Contests – Any Format – Complete PRIOR to 1/15/2023
- Area Contests – Virtual – 1/16/2023 through 2/28/2023
- Division Contests – Hybrid – 3/1/2023 through 4/15/2023
- District Contests – Hybrid held in conjunction with the 2023 D35 Spring Conference at the Abbey Resort on Lake Geneva
- Tall Tales – Friday 5/5/2023
- International – Saturday 5/6/2023
Training Opportunities
- Club Contest Training with District Chief Judge Judy Bauer, DTM, PDG
- Sunday 11/13/2022 @ 4:00 PM
- Registration:
- Watch the Weekly News and the District Calendar for other training opportunities.

The Pivot
As I write this, I’m having my morning coffee – and it occurs to me that a Toastmasters club is a lot like an office coffee pot.
Think about the process of making coffee. I get the filter, I weigh out the coffee grounds, I measure out the water, and I turn the coffee maker on to add energy and heat up the water. A short time later, there’s a nice pot of fresh, hot, delicious coffee. Then people take the coffee, and enjoy it. This is good, because that’s the whole reason I made the coffee – for it to be enjoyed.
But after half a dozen people have enjoyed the coffee, it’s gone. Again, this isn’t unintended – that’s the whole reason I made the coffee! But now, it needs to be replenished. And if I’m the only one doing it, that routine gets old pretty quick.
And that’s what I’m seeing in many clubs across our district.
When somebody first joins Toastmasters, it’s all about helping them improve. This is good, and this is right. This is why we’re here – to serve them. But as they improve, I believe we need to get better at guiding them through the pivot from “I go to Toastmasters to get my needs met” to “I go to Toastmasters to get my needs met, while meeting the needs of others.”
We definitely have a few people that have made the pivot, and many of them are dedicated long-term members. These are the people working tirelessly to make sure the proverbial coffee maker is full. They generally don’t mind making the coffee, and they love seeing the smiles on peoples’ faces as they enjoy it. But every time they turn around, the coffee maker is empty again, and it’s up to them to refill it. That routine gets old after awhile.
This means we need more members to make the pivot. And guiding newer members through the pivot will both provide relief to those long-term members and increase the leadership depth in our clubs.
Sometimes this can be as easy as posting directions by the office coffee pot. People who don’t know how to make the coffee might be afraid of doing it wrong, and can be trained easily. I was in a struggling club once where we had people taking the Toastmaster role less than 2 months after joining. We created a customized script that fit our agenda, with exact words and phrases for when they got stuck. It worked fabulously, and helped our members grow. Putting directions by the coffee maker helps!
Sometimes this is a more involved conversation about taking a leadership role in the club. For some people with jobs, kids, and other things vying for their attention, this may be a bit of a stretch – but you’ll never know if you don’t ask. And if somebody can’t do the whole role, you might be able to recruit them to do part of it. It’s all about teamwork!
I firmly believe that if you work with the people you have, and build on their strengths, your club can be successful. It may look different from mine. It may not look like the “ideal” Toastmasters club. But none of that matters as long as your members are learning, growing, serving, and being served.
As always, if there’s anything I can do to help, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Here’s to your club’s success, and many delicious pots of coffee in your future!

Club Support Seminars
We’ve moved into our second year of offering Sunday night sessions on improving your club experience. Each session focuses on a specific topic, with a 30-minute presentation followed by 30 minutes of discussion.
Topics this year have been:
- Member Quality
- How to take notes that people want to read
- Effective Club Coaching
- Conflict Resolution
Sessions will be held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month from 7:00pm-8:00pm. Check out the district calendar for upcoming topics and Zoom links. Our most recent session was “Running Successful Board Meetings,” and our next session is coming up on Nov 6. Attendance is open to all, but highly recommended for Club Presidents and Vice Presidents Membership. Can’t make it on a Sunday night? No problem … sessions are recorded and available on the district website.
For more information, contact Keith Cumiskey.

Go Big Or Go Home Support Someone Going Big
This year we’re presenting Tall Tales contests at the club, Area, Division and District levels! All Toastmasters are eligible to try out their exaggeration muscles and create new stories of exaggeration and whimsy — but how?
Tall tales are stories that exaggerate a lot of details to make heroes seem more heroic, characters more memorable and descriptions even more exciting! Some similar stories include different mythologies in different cultures, but American tall tales tend to be among the most well-known.
If you’d like to check out some traditional tall tales, one example is here:
These stories often have many of these components:
- They’re stories. There’s a beginning, middle and end with action and conflict.
- The characters are memorable. They are, by definition, bigger than life.
- Details are exaggerated and whimsical. Paul Bunyon didn’t just have an ox, he had Babe, the gigantic big blue ox, whose hoofprints set up Minnesota to be the state of 10,000 lakes.
- They often leverage local flavor, accents and vocabulary.
There are a few ways to attack coming up with your Tall Tale:
- Answer the question of how something came to be. Origin stories are always the pinnacle of mythology. Some traditional tall tales and mythologies invoke giants creating the Giants Causeway in Ireland, or Babe the Blue Ox with the 10,000 lakes in Minnesota.
- Exaggerate a story. You didn’t just work retail on the day after Thanksgiving, you wrangled thousands of shoppers into the highest sales day for your store’s history. You aren’t just the PTA president at your kid’s school, you leveraged your Toastmasters skills and attained 100 percent participation among all families for the school picnic!
- Break down some of the components to bring in more zaniness. You didn’t just “walk down the hall” you “tore down the hall so quickly you outran light and nobody saw you.” The cash registers weren’t just busy, they smoked. Adjectives, adverbs and new twists can make your story even more exciting!
- Develop your storytelling persona. You are not just a District 35 Toastmaster. Develop an accent, vocabulary or speech pattern that bring you outside your normal speaking format.
All contests offer the opportunity to develop and refine speeches in a way that doesn’t happen with “one and done” projects – and you’re meeting Toastmasters and speaking to people from outside the club. Tall Tales specifically encourage you to work on language you don’t usually use and try different methods of delivery expanding your repertoire! It’s definitely a win/win, no matter who places where.
If you want to support contests, there are lots of roles for Toastmasters of all experience levels: ballot counters, judges, Zoom masters, sergeants at arms, publicity and Contest Master and Chief Judge. Helping out in your own club or with other clubs/areas/divisions are all great ways to network and support other Toastmasters.
The District will be offering additional training and support on Contests over the coming months. If your club would like a brainstorming session on Tall Tales, or if you have any questions on contests, please contact
Member Recognition
Congratulations to all the Toastmasters in District 35 that have collectively earned 146 Education Awards between July and September.
Area | Member |
A1 | Catherine Gikuri – Menomonee Falls Toastmasters – Dynamic Leadership Level 1 |
A1 | Cheryl Biro – Menomonee Falls Toastmasters – Effective Coaching Level 3 |
A1 | Susan Brushafer – Menomonee Falls Toastmasters – Motivational Strategies Level 2 |
A1 | Robert Kubiak – Well Toasted – Motivational Strategies Level 1 |
A2 | Anne Addesso – Sheboygan Club 2121 – Effective Coaching Level 2 |
A2 | David Schmitt, DTM – Sheboygan Club 2121 – Leadership Development Level 5 |
A2 | Kristine Pool, DTM – Sheboygan Club 2121 – Innovative Planning Level 1 |
A2 | Kristine Pool, DTM – Sheboygan Club 2121 – Innovative Planning Level 2 |
A2 | Kristine Pool, DTM – Sheboygan Club 2121 – Innovative Planning Level 3 |
A2 | Kathy Shine, DTM – Plymouth Toastmasters Club – Strategic Relationships Level 1 |
A2 | Kristine Pool, DTM – Plymouth Toastmasters Club – Motivational Strategies Level 3 |
A2 | Kristine Pool, DTM – Plymouth Toastmasters Club – Motivational Strategies Level 4 |
A2 | Kristine Pool, DTM – Plymouth Toastmasters Club – Motivational Strategies Level 5 |
A2 | Kristine Pool, DTM – Plymouth Toastmasters Club – Innovative Planning Level 4 |
A2 | Kristine Pool, DTM – Plymouth Toastmasters Club – Leadership Development Level 1 |
A2 | Kristine Pool, DTM – Plymouth Toastmasters Club – Leadership Development Level 2 |
A2 | Kristine Pool, DTM – Plymouth Toastmasters Club – Leadership Development Level 3 |
A2 | Kristine Pool, DTM – Plymouth Toastmasters Club – Leadership Development Level 4 |
A2 | Helen Lewis-Rzeszutek – ROK the Talk – Persuasive Influence Level 2 |
A3 | Joyce Miller – GE Speaks Toastmasters Club – Innovative Planning Level 3 |
B1 | Eric Wunder – Brookfield Toastmasters – Engaging Humor Level 3 |
B1 | Yujing Feng – Brookfield Toastmasters – Leadership Development Level 3 |
B1 | Yujing Feng – Brookfield Toastmasters – Leadership Development Level 4 |
B1 | Anonymous – A Stately Discourse – Team Collaboration Level 1 |
B2 | Amy Linn-Strosin, DTM – DJAB – Motivational Strategies Level 5 |
B2 | Amy Linn-Strosin, DTM – DJAB – Presentation Mastery Level 1 |
B2 | Carl Ervin, DTM – DJAB – Engaging Humor Level 4 |
B2 | Jill Keating – DJAB – Persuasive Influence Level 2 |
B2 | Lori Geddes, DTM – DJAB – Engaging Humor Level 2 |
C1 | Kristi Severson – Capital City Club – Team Collaboration Level 2 |
C1 | Lee Samson – Capital City Club – Innovative Planning Level 4 |
C1 | Michael Zelm, DTM – Capital City Club – Presentation Mastery Level 4 |
C1 | Nichole Webster – Capital City Club – Visionary Communication Level 2 |
C1 | Nicole Graper – Capital City Club – Dynamic Leadership Level 4 |
C1 | Caroline O’Brien – Expressions Club 9769 – Innovative Planning Level 1 |
C1 | Caroline O’Brien – Expressions Club 9769 – Innovative Planning Level 2 |
C1 | Caroline O’Brien – Expressions Club 9769 – Innovative Planning Level 3 |
C2 | Matthew Smith – Eastside Madison Toastmasters Club – Effective Coaching Level 1 |
C2 | Stephen Wittmann – Eastside Madison Toastmasters Club – Engaging Humor Level 4 |
C2 | Carrie Krause – Summit Seekers – Effective Coaching Level 1 |
C2 | Carrie Krause – Summit Seekers – Effective Coaching Level 2 |
C3 | Melissa Gavin – Madison Achievers – Presentation Mastery Level 4 |
C4 | Debra Ruskamp – Rolling Hills Toastmasters Club – Engaging Humor Level 2 |
C4 | Debra Ruskamp – Rolling Hills Toastmasters Club – Pathways Mentor Program |
C4 | Janet Ward, DTM – Rolling Hills Toastmasters Club – Innovative Planning Level 5 |
C4 | Janet Ward, DTM – Rolling Hills Toastmasters Club – Presentation Mastery Level 2 |
C4 | Susan Tatar – Rolling Hills Toastmasters Club – Engaging Humor Level 3 |
C4 | Susan Tatar – Rolling Hills Toastmasters Club – Engaging Humor Level 4 |
C4 | Anthony Cooper – Coulee Region Toastmasters – Effective Coaching Level 5 |
C4 | Mercedes Falk – Coulee Region Toastmasters – Presentation Mastery Level 3 |
D1 | Kathy Shine, DTM – Cream City Communicators – Motivational Strategies Level 4 |
D1 | Kathy Shine, DTM – Cream City Communicators – Motivational Strategies Level 5 |
D1 | Cara Koshak – Riverview Toastmasters – Strategic Relationships Level 1 |
D1 | Anonymous – TT & SS on TAP – Dynamic Leadership Level 1 |
D2 | Brett McQuhae – Toast On Tap – Persuasive Influence Level 1 |
D2 | Mary Parlow – Marq Our Words – Visionary Communication Level 1 |
D2 | Mary Parlow – Marq Our Words – Visionary Communication Level 2 |
D2 | Ross Younger – Marq Our Words – Persuasive Influence Level 3 |
E1 | Ahmed Elnoshokaty – Superiorland Toastmasters Club – Persuasive Influence Level 1 |
E1 | Ahmed Elnoshokaty – Superiorland Toastmasters Club – Presentation Mastery Level 2 |
E1 | Christine Roalofs – Talk of the Town – Engaging Humor Level 3 |
E2 | Carol Mather, DTM – Water City Speakers – Persuasive Influence Level 3 |
E3 | Katie Adams – Fox Speak Toastmasters Club – Innovative Planning Level 2 |
E3 | Michael Doss – Thriving Communicators – Presentation Mastery Level 2 |
E3 | Sean Zipfel – Thriving Communicators – Dynamic Leadership Level 1 |
E3 | Andy Christensen – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Pathways Mentor Program |
E3 | Andy Christensen – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Presentation Mastery Level 1 |
E3 | Andy Christensen – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Presentation Mastery Level 2 |
E3 | Andy Christensen – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Presentation Mastery Level 3 |
E3 | Andy Christensen – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Presentation Mastery Level 4 |
E3 | Andy Christensen – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Presentation Mastery Level 5 |
E3 | Jennifer Strachan, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Engaging Humor Level 1 |
E3 | Jennifer Strachan, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Engaging Humor Level 2 |
E3 | Jennifer Strachan, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Engaging Humor Level 3 |
E3 | Jennifer Strachan, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Engaging Humor Level 4 |
E3 | Jennifer Strachan, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Engaging Humor Level 5 |
E3 | Jennifer Strachan, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Pathways Mentor Program |
E3 | Leslye Erickson, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Innovative Planning Level 1 |
E3 | Leslye Erickson, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Innovative Planning Level 2 |
E3 | Leslye Erickson, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Innovative Planning Level 3 |
E3 | Leslye Erickson, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Innovative Planning Level 4 |
E3 | Leslye Erickson, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Innovative Planning Level 5 |
E3 | Leslye Erickson, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Pathways Mentor Program |
E3 | Lori Coonen, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Pathways Mentor Program |
E3 | Lori Coonen, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Presentation Mastery Level 1 |
E3 | Lori Coonen, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Presentation Mastery Level 2 |
E3 | Lori Coonen, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Presentation Mastery Level 3 |
E3 | Lori Coonen, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Presentation Mastery Level 4 |
E3 | Lori Coonen, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Presentation Mastery Level 5 |
E3 | Lori Coonen, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Strategic Relationships Level 1 |
E3 | Lori Coonen, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Strategic Relationships Level 2 |
E3 | Lori Coonen, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Strategic Relationships Level 3 |
E3 | Lori Coonen, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Strategic Relationships Level 4 |
E3 | Lori Coonen, DTM – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Strategic Relationships Level 5 |
E3 | Nancy Krejcarek – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Motivational Strategies Level 2 |
E3 | Nancy Krejcarek – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Motivational Strategies Level 3 |
E3 | Nancy Krejcarek – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Motivational Strategies Level 4 |
E3 | Nancy Krejcarek – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Motivational Strategies Level 5 |
E3 | Nancy Krejcarek – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Engaging Humor Level 1 |
E3 | Nancy Krejcarek – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Engaging Humor Level 2 |
E3 | Nancy Krejcarek – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Engaging Humor Level 3 |
E3 | Nancy Krejcarek – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Engaging Humor Level 4 |
E3 | Nancy Krejcarek – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Engaging Humor Level 5 |
E3 | Nancy Krejcarek – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Pathways Mentor Program |
E3 | Patricia Lafountain – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Innovative Planning Level 1 |
E3 | Patricia Lafountain – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Innovative Planning Level 2 |
E3 | Patricia Lafountain – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Innovative Planning Level 3 |
E3 | Patricia Lafountain – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Innovative Planning Level 4 |
E3 | Patricia Lafountain – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Innovative Planning Level 5 |
E3 | Patricia Lafountain – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Pathways Mentor Program |
E3 | Patricia Lafountain – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Presentation Mastery Level 2 |
E3 | Patricia Lafountain – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Presentation Mastery Level 3 |
E3 | Patricia Lafountain – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Presentation Mastery Level 4 |
E3 | Patricia Lafountain – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Presentation Mastery Level 5 |
E3 | Robyn Krueger – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Motivational Strategies Level 3 |
E3 | Robyn Krueger – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Motivational Strategies Level 4 |
E3 | Robyn Krueger – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Motivational Strategies Level 5 |
E3 | Robyn Krueger – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Pathways Mentor Program |
E3 | Robyn Krueger – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Presentation Mastery Level 4 |
E3 | Robyn Krueger – Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters – Presentation Mastery Level 5 |
F1 | Scott Klement – Spectacle City Club – Effective Coaching Level 1 |
F1 | Scott Klement – Spectacle City Club – Effective Coaching Level 2 |
F2 | Cindy Algiers – Racine Club – Motivational Strategies Level 3 |
F2 | Anonymous – Southwest Toastmasters – Motivational Strategies Level 3 |
F2 | Cindy Laatsch, DTM – Oak Creek Toastmasters – Dynamic Leadership Level 4 |
F2 | Cindy Laatsch, DTM – Oak Creek Toastmasters – Persuasive Influence Level 1 |
F2 | Scott Klement – Oak Creek Toastmasters – Dynamic Leadership Level 2 |
F2 | Tom Hunter – Oak Creek Toastmasters – Dynamic Leadership Level 1 |
F2 | Anonymous – CNH Industrial Toast Team – Effective Coaching Level 3 |
F2 | Jack-David Bechthold – CNH Industrial Toast Team – Presentation Mastery Level 2 |
F3 | Keith Cumiskey, DTM – Rockwell Automation A-B Club – Effective Coaching Level 2 |
F3 | Keith Cumiskey, DTM – Rockwell Automation A-B Club – Effective Coaching Level 3 |
F3 | Mathew Garrison – Rockwell Automation A-B Club – Dynamic Leadership Level 1 |
F3 | Kat Yets – SpeakEasy Toastmasters – Visionary Communication Level 3 |
F3 | Kat Yets – SpeakEasy Toastmasters – Visionary Communication Level 4 |
N1 | Kristy Isberner – Church Mutual Club – Team Collaboration Level 1 |
N2 | Paula Houlihan, DTM – Stevens Point Toastmasters Club – Presentation Mastery Level 1 |
N2 | Chris Williams – Wisconsin Rapids Area Toastmasters Club – Persuasive Influence Level 5 |
N2 | Craig Carpenter, DTM – Wisconsin Rapids Area Toastmasters Club – Motivational Strategies Level 1 |
N2 | Craig Carpenter, DTM – Wisconsin Rapids Area Toastmasters Club – Motivational Strategies Level 2 |
N2 | Craig Carpenter, DTM – Wisconsin Rapids Area Toastmasters Club – Motivational Strategies Level 3 |
N2 | James Traynor, DTM – Wisconsin Rapids Area Toastmasters Club – Presentation Mastery Level 5 |
N2 | Ranee Graf, DTM – Wisconsin Rapids Area Toastmasters Club – Engaging Humor Level 3 |
N3 | Umol Jalo – Eclectic Image Club – Pathways Mentor Program |
N3 | Umol Jalo – Eclectic Image Club – Presentation Mastery Level 1 |
N3 | Yarina Goryuk – Eclectic Image Club – Motivational Strategies Level 2 |