2022 Special Council Meeting

I want to make you aware of an update to the 2022/23 District Alignment that needs action prior to July 1.  Multiple clubs that were Active or Low and included in the alignment at the business meeting on May 7 have since seen their status change to Suspended.  Suspended clubs are not considered active and therefore cannot be included in the alignment.  Because of this, the Alignment Committee has met and put together a new alignment proposal. This proposal must be voted on by the entire District Council before July 1.   Current Division teams and impacted clubs have been contacted and made aware of the proposed changes.  

The Special Meeting to resolve this will be held Tuesday, June 28, 2022 7:00 PM-8:00 PM via Zoom.  

Here is a copy of the meeting agenda:  2022 Special Council Meeting Agenda

Here is a copy of the newly proposed alignment: District 35 UPDATED Alignment Proposal for 2022-2023

Members of the district council have received an email from tmcredentials35@gmail.com with information about how you can be credentialed.  Members of the council include all active Presidents and Vice Presidents of Education as well as Area Directors, Division Directors and members of the district’s top 7 officers.  To be considered active, you must be a paid member of a club in good standing.  A club in good standing has 8 or more paid members.  

If you have questions about this meeting or need the zoom link to attend, please contact me.


Teri McGregor, IP3

2021-2022 District Director
