Club Coaching Program
A Club Coach is an experienced Toastmaster who is appointed by the Club Growth Director to help a struggling club with 12 or fewer members. Responsibilities include assessing the club environment, recommending solutions and assisting the club in increasing its membership and fulfilling the requirements necessary to become Distinguished or better.
Up to two (2) Club Coaches may be appointed by the Club Growth Director to one club at a time for credit. An appointment lasts 1 to 2 years, until June 30th of the first year if the club achieves Distinguished status or better OR June 30th of the following year if the club does not achieve Distinguished status the first year. A Club Coach cannot be a member of the same club he/ she is coaching.

A Club Coach appointed by the Club Growth Director will receive a Club Coach pin. Club Coaches who help their clubs achieve Distinguished status or better by June 30th receive a certificate and Pathways DTM Credit. If a club achieves Distinguished status or better by June 1st, the Club Coach will also receive a gift from District 35.
If you are interested in becoming a Club Coach, please fill out the Club Coach Appointment Form, and email it to the Club Growth Director.
Club Coach Toolkit:
- The First-Class Club Coach
- How to Rebuild a Toastmaster Club
- Club Coach Troubleshooting Guide
- Master Your Meetings
- Moments of Truth
- Club Quality Checklist
- Distinguished Club Program and Club Success Plan
- Tools Each Successful Club Coach has in their Bag (download)
- Club Coach Checklist (download)
- MOT SMART Goal Tracking (download)
Club Coach FAQs:
- What is a club coach and what do their responsibilities entail?
- How long does a club coach appointment last?
- Is my club eligible to receive a club coach?
- How do I become a club coach?
- What do I receive for becoming a club coach?
- Can I coach a club outside of my district?
- Can an appointed club coach be removed?
- If I’m unable to complete my club coach assignment in the allotted time, can I be reappointed?
- Can I use a club coach role for both the club support role and the district leadership role in an ALS or DTM?
- Does a district have the authority to require a club to accept a club coach appointment?