Messages From the District 35 Trio

Greetings District 35 Toastmasters,
Congratulations on the strong start to this Toastmasters year! Across the District, our clubs and members are actively helping individuals achieve their speaking and leadership goals while contributing to the growth of our clubs. Yes, there are still challenges and always will be. With that noted, I see numerous positive developments as I look across the District and our clubs. This fuels my excitement about the future, and gives me an optimistic vision where ALL clubs and members thrive. By working together, we continue to bring the gift of Toastmasters to more people across Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula.
Now, how do we reach this future where all our clubs are flourishing, and Toastmasters is reaching more people? The answer, in my view, lies in adopting a Solution Focused mindset.
What does it mean to have a Solution Focused mindset? To me, it signifies a shift in our thinking. Instead of dwelling on the past or what could be different or how daunting progress may seem, we concentrate on the concrete actions we can take to move forward. Why worry about the need for more members or increased member engagement? On the fundamental level, isn’t it more productive to identify actionable steps to address these issues and then implement them? The key is to focus more on the solutions than on the problems. That may seem overly simple, but there is strength in changing our mindset from one worried about problems, and instead be focused on solutions. In other words, negative energy can drive negative results whereas positive energy can drive positive results.
Imagine the impact if each of us committed to becoming the best Toastmaster we can be and focused ourselves to making our clubs the best they can be. These factors are well within our control, or more precisely, within YOUR control. A mentor once told me that the only person’s actions one can control are their own. YOU can only control YOURSELF to take meaningful action. The FUTURE is in your control.
So, I challenge you this fall to be the best Toastmaster you can possibly be.
Fully engage with the Toastmasters education program, extend invitations to guests, mentor fellow members, and facilitate meetings that are not just educational and informative, but also filled with ‘moments of enjoyment.’ I firmly believe that by focusing on what we can do, what we can become, and what is attainable, we will be far better off than to focus on what we can’t do, used to do, or wished we could do. As can be quoted by numerous people, it is said that “There are people who make things happen, there are people who watch things happen, and there are people who wonder what happened.” If we stop wondering and watching and make things happen, I believe our District’s potential is limitless!
We stand on the brink of something extraordinary. We are building the foundation for a future that we have the power to shape. Let’s reinforce that Solution Focused mindset and strive to be the best Toastmasters we can be.
We can, we will, and we must move forward together because Together as Toastmasters, we are ALL Stronger.
Jason P. Feucht, DTM
2023-2024 District Director
Hello fellow Toastmasters! It’s been an exciting Toastmasters year thus far. I know that all of you are working hard, and some of you are facing significant challenges. In those situations, it can be tempting to get focused on things other than “the main thing,” so I’d like to help you find your focus with a 3-2-1 countdown to Toastmasters success.
Three. Speak three times this year – once every four months. Have you had a hard time finding speakers? If every member of your club speaks three times this year, that problem would be solved. You’ll also have more than enough education awards for your club to be distinguished.
Two. “Going it alone” is a recipe for burnout. If you’re doing something you’re good at, mentor somebody else. If you’re doing something you’ve never done before, recruit a mentor. There’s an old proverb, “if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”. Get together and support one another.
And that leaves us with “One.” You’re a Toastmaster. You’ve obviously found some value in the program. Just reach out to one person and find a way to bring them to a meeting. If everybody did this, not only would the qualifying requirement be a complete non-issue, but finding people for meeting roles would be easier as well.
That’s the 3, 2, 1 Countdown to Success.
We have our work cut out for us this year, but I know we can do it. And whenever you feel overwhelmed, just remember – speak 3 times, mentor or be mentored, and bring a person to a meeting. When we all work together, success is as simple as 3, 2, 1.
And, if you have challenges, reach out to your Area or Division Director, or give me a call. My door is always open. Here’s to a great Toastmasters year, and to our success!
Robert Wall
2023-2024 District 35 Program Quality Director
District 35 Toastmasters –
“Take Your Next Step Toward Significance”
Try these new challenges – support other members, your club, and other clubs!
This year is flying by! Can you believe it’s Fall already? Pumpkin spice in the air, lots of great meetings happening and….what’s this? More opportunities to try new ways to grow my skills? Yes please!
I love how Toastmasters helps me develop new goals as I check off the ones I complete. Once I was no longer terrified about speaking, I was ready to try leadership, and I was also ready to try speaking outside the club. And I met a whole world of great people in other clubs!
No matter where you are in your Toastmasters adventure, our Targeted Incentives Program has lots of different challenges to try – Check out the whole list here! (And prize info here!)
One activity I tried early on was to post invitations to your club on a public bulletin board — sometimes it was at a pizza place or coffee shop, sometimes it was online on community boards.
Sometimes I’d use the pre-made posters from the Toastmasters web site, or sometimes I’d make posters using Paint or Canva. They got the word out!
About twice a month you have the opportunity for points with
You also learn something to support your club and your own Toastmasters journey! Check out the upcoming topics!
Thinking outside the club, everyone is encouraged to share leads for new clubs — just email and if you share a club lead that results in a charter you can gain points toward your club!
I really enjoyed the year I went to multiple other clubs – and celebrating at club picnics and events was great! Try attending an in-person Toastmasters club or area non-meeting event.
I learned some really great new ideas from some clubs, I met some great new friends in others, and, well, sometimes I learned my own club had some great ideas too.
A couple years ago I organized an Evaluation University with Allis Chalmers. It was a chance for the club to work together, and I had a chance to develop an educational event to highlight your club or area. A lot of people learned some new skills in evaluation!
One of the options this year – bring a non-Toastmaster guest to your club – works right in with the incentive to bring in at least three people who are new to Toastmasters as new members – if we’re bringing in more guests, we have a better chance to win the All About the Base incentive!
I even worked with my area director to look ahead to trying something bigger the next year: be a Deputy Area Director by December 1 through May 1.
We have a chance to try lots of different opportunities in and out of our clubs, and to rack up points for our clubs toward District Dollars – as well as new members, and new ways to support other Toastmasters. I might have to think about new goals to reach with all these new experiences!
Theresa Flynn
2023-2024 District 35 Club Growth Director
From The Diary of the Immediate Past District Director

Dear District 35 Toastmasters,
Hope that this message finds you well. I have repeatedly said that Toastmasters saved my career, and also accelerated the trajectory of my professional life! In this edition, I will attempt to give insight to that very profound statement, by discussing the many pearls of wisdom that have paid off big time especially in the last couple of years in District leadership.
Like many of you, I joined Toastmasters because I wanted to be a more proficient speaker, or as I like to say, I wanted to learn “American English” since I already speak the Queen’s English (Kenya was colonized by the British, and so we speak the British variation of the English language).
As I noted in the June 2023 District Director letter: when I joined Toastmasters in June 2014, little did I know that I would make a decision that would forever shape the map of my life. For many years, that decision was not consequential because I had not fully optimized the gift that is Toastmasters – I had not yet taken on a leadership role. However, as I discovered on my path to earning my first Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM), becoming a more proficient leader communicator was in store for me. It’s only when I took my first step to be an Area Director, and then serve as both a Club Mentor and a Club Coach, that I truly optimized the Toastmasters 25-cent-a-day (up until July 2023) and now 33-cent-a-day investment in personal and professional development.
So, what are the skills that have had a such a profound impact on my personal and professional life?
The first skill I will discuss is taking the initiative to recruit people for leadership roles. (I will cover other skills in the next several issues of our D35 Newsletter.) This skill has three components:
- Identifying opportunities for individuals to serve in different leadership positions
- Identifying appropriate people to serve in these positions when no one has volunteered for them
- Motivating people to serve in these positions
This includes:
- Reaching out to clubs and individuals
- Promptly following up on contacts with emails or phone calls
- Keeping one’s commitments
In many organizations, especially in a volunteer organization such as Toastmasters, nothing gets done without this happening. And it’s the District leader who makes it happen.
As I write this article, I am in Kenya on my one-year Sabbatical leave, which includes a 3-month fellowship at a local university. The fellowship is a great opportunity for me because I get to stay in my home country, all expenses covered while expanding my professional network and research collaborations at the same time! This fellowship happened because I persisted in following up, getting feedback and re-applying for a very prestigious fellowship, while planning it in such a way that I would be on Sabbatical leave.
In my years in District leadership, I have learned the valuable lesson that leaders need to perfect the act of taking initiative, following up with individuals to ensure that the work gets done and, more importantly, following through on commitments to be credible.
Toastmasters is definitely the place where leaders are made. To get full value for your Toastmasters investment, consider taking the next step by saying yes to leadership. Perhaps your next step is taking on a role at a club meeting or serving as an officer of your club. Or you’ve served multiple officer roles in your club but hesitate to step outside the comfort zone of your club and serve as an Area Director, where the fun begins! After serving as an Area Director, perhaps your next step is to become Division Director which is a middle management role since you are now working with Area Directors to serve clubs in your jurisdiction.
After serving as an Area Director and preferably a Division Director, you might decide that you are now ready to serve in the Trio—it’s now time to put your hat in the ring to run for Club Growth Director. I can definitely tell you that is where the opportunity to accelerate your leadership skills takes off and you learn a whole new set of skills that come in handy not only in serving fellow Toastmasters but, more importantly, in your personal and professional life. There is definitely a time investment involved in leadership, but I can say without reservation that it’s worth every moment.
My invitation to you is to consider taking your next step of leadership at the earliest opportunity to serve!
Jennifer Kibicho
Immediate Past District Director

Special Recognition Goes to … Wisconsin Toastmasters
October is Toastmasters Month! October is a special time for Toastmasters International. It was October 22, 1924, when founder Ralph Smedley held the first official Toastmasters Meeting. For 99 years, Toastmasters has provided a positive and supportive learning experience for members to learn and practice communication and leadership skills. To celebrate the organization’s success, Wisconsin Governor, Tony Evers has declared October 2023 as Toastmasters Month in Wisconsin.
Toastmasters After Hours
A Luminary Walk
When I’m not enjoying the time I spend with Toastmasters, I have another passion that keeps me out of trouble! I’m a member and volunteer at the Richfield Historical Society (RHS) in Richfield, WI. I put on a pioneer pinafore apron, and sometimes a bonnet to make our visitors’ time at our events even more authentic.
Last year, RHS added several new events to its calendar. One of them was the Fall Luminary Walk which included candle-lit trails, and treats like hot chocolate, apple cider, popcorn, maple cotton candy, and apples. Several of our pioneer buildings were open, and visitors warmed themselves at a huge, inviting bonfire.
This seemed like a good opportunity for an after-hours Toastmasters event, so I invited my fellow members of DJAB Toastmasters Club to join me. We had rain, wind, puddles, and a marvelous fall experience. Following the Luminary Walk, several of us enjoyed dinner at a local restaurant that is a big RHS supporter.
This year, I’ve invited fellow club members of DJAB and the Menomonee Falls Toastmasters Club to join me on November 4, from 5:00pm – 8:00pm for the second annual Luminary Walk at the Richfield Historical and Nature Park, just off Hwy. 164 in Richfield. Here is another opportunity for Toastmasters to get to know each other at an
area social event that offers outdoor fun, history, snacks, and a candle-lit ambiance.
Article submitted by Susan Brushafer, Immediate Past President, Menomonee Falls Toastmasters
A New Club Tradition … By Way of Pizza
What could possibly be better than a Toastmasters Club meeting? Let the Menomonee Falls Toastmasters Club answer that question … the ‘after-meeting meeting’!
Over the past couple of years, after our club moved into its new meeting place at the welcoming and spacious Menomonee Falls Fire Station #3, we started having such a good time chatting post-meeting yet wanted to respect our friends at the Fire Station! As the song “Closing Time” states: “You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here.”
There happens to be a very good pizza place, DeMarinis, about five minutes from where we meet. After one particularly chatty meeting at the Fire Station, we decided to have an after-meeting meeting at the restaurant. All in-person club members, including our meeting guests, were invited to join us. It was a fully loaded (to borrow a pizza term) event that has endured.
We usually arrive at DeMarinis at 8:15pm, and although the restaurant closes at 9:00pm, I will have to admit that the bar lights were flashed more than once to get us out by 9:45! Our server, Nicole, knows the regulars’ orders by memory, and recently, we began ‘training’ her server sister Anna to appreciate and join in with the jocularity that defines the atmosphere of our visits.
At our after-meeting meetings, we learn about each other, our families, our experiences, and occasionally chat about upcoming club events. Monday evening club and after-meeting meetings are a communication and flavor-packed treat all around.
We held our 2022 Christmas party at DeMarinis, and ensured via virtual link that our out-of-state club members could join members and spouses/significant others in the fun. We wish all our virtual members and guests could join us every time, but they do know that we are raising a glass or savoring a piece of fine pizza for them!
Article submitted by Susan Brushafer, Immediate Past President, Menomonee Falls Toastmasters
Relationships Built Through Toastmasters
Susan’s Turn…
“6,212.” That is the number of miles between Saitama Japan and Richfield, Wisconsin. A few years ago, I never would have imagined that one of my best friends would be a wonderful Toastmaster who lives in Japan.
Mitsuko Kurihara’s and my friendship began at a joint meeting of Mitsuko’s Tokyo Leadership Toastmasters club and my Menomonee Falls Toastmasters club just as virtual meetings were taking off. Following our clubs’ joint meeting, Mitsuko invited me to speak at her club. Shortly after, Mitsuko and I started chatting via email and found we had a lot in common. She and I were both club officers. I was a first-time Area Director, and now, so is Mitsuko. Mitsuko is a second time club President, and I just completed my first club presidency thanks to Mitsuko’s encouragement. We both belong to two Toastmasters clubs. Over the past two years, we’ve supported each other through officer situations, speech contests, and trainings for our Districts.
Our friendship has grown exponentially, and we now have monthly Zoom meetings so that we can share what is going on in our lives. (We fill in with almost-weekly emails in between.) What might we have found about ourselves that has solidified our friendship? Let us count the ways! I like to say that we are “sisters with different mothers.” We are close (1.5 years) in age. We both celebrate wedding anniversaries in September. Mitsuko still teaches English, and I developed and taught classes in my professional life. Sadly, Mitsuko’s former husband and my former fiancé both died from brain tumors. Mitsuko and I each have two children in their 40s. Neither of us are sports enthusiasts. We are the oldest siblings in our respective families.
Toastmasters does so much more than create leaders. Without Toastmasters, Mitsuko and I would probably have never met, enjoyed getting to know each other and our countries’ cultures, confided in each other, and shared many parts of our lives. Our goal is to meet one day in person at a half-way place called ‘Hawaii’. When that happens, you’ll get part two of this article!
BFFs, Mitsuko Kurihara and Susan Brushafer
Mitsuko’s Turn …
In the middle of August 2023, I had planned to
visit two clubs in Tokyo on September 16 as an
H2 Director. I thought it would be a great idea to
combine both visits into one trip and serve as an Area Director. However, at the beginning of September, my health condition worsened, making it impossible for me to travel to Tokyo. Thankfully, with the help of the online meeting system Zoom, I reached out to the club presidents and informed them that I would be visiting them virtually. It’s amazing how beneficial technology like Zoom can be!
Speaking of which, I have a close Toastmaster friend in Richfield, Wisconsin. We have never met in person, but we share so many things in common, even our dogs are the same age!
I have been a member of the Tokyo Leadership Toastmasters Club for 20 years and have held various officer positions during that time, except for the roles of Treasurer and Secretary (members know that I struggle with math and spelling!!!). When I met Susan, I was the club president and going through a difficult period. Our meetings had fewer guests and speakers, and I was struggling as the club president. However, Susan always kept encouraging me and she became a true treasure in my Toastmasters journey. She taught me not to be afraid and to embrace new challenges. I learned this while enjoying our conversations and exchanging emails.
Now, I am serving as a District 76 (Japan) Division H Area 2 Director. If it weren’t for Susan, I would have never imagined myself becoming an Area Director and venturing into this new world. Last month, I even experienced “Club Officer Training” for the presidents in my division. I was nervous at first, but with Susan’s support, I made it through.
I truly cherish this wonderful international friendship, which is something especially unique to the Toastmasters community. I am confident that one day we will physically embrace in Hawaii. Until then, we’ll continue enjoying our conversations and virtually exchanging hugs.
Best friends forever, Susan Brushafer and Mitsuko Kurihara
A Community Partnership
Submitted by Yvonne Lumsden-Dill, DTM
Menomonee Falls Toastmasters Club
CHARTER: The Menomonee Falls Toastmasters Club was chartered on June 18, 2008, so we celebrated our 15th Anniversary this year. We had a wonderful celebration at a picnic in a park near our meeting place in Menomonee Falls. We rescued the remnants of the Menomonee Falls Wells Fargo corporate club 15 years ago. Over the years, we’ve had many homes as we bade farewell to the corporate conference room and embraced a community club setting. We met at several Menomonee Falls coffee shops and cafes, including Ally’s Bistro, a colorful dine-in counter-service outfit for sandwiches, salads, pizza, breakfast & occasional live music. Needless to say, neither breakfast nor live music mattered to us for obvious reasons. We eventually left Alley’s Bistro because their 8pm closing time found us hustling and bustling to get out in time. Then we found UNO Pizzeria & Grill, the family-friendly chain serving Chicago-style pizza along with pasta, steaks & burgers. They were just as friendly and welcoming as Ally’s Bistro folks had been.
COVID & THE VIRTUAL WORLD: Then, COVID hit in early 2020. After going virtual for a while, we, like just about all Toastmasters worldwide, returned to in-person meetings in late 2021, incorporating a new platform alien to us – hybrid meetings using Zoom! Even the Zoom executives said … “Zoom has exploded worldwide in this epidemic, and no one is more shocked than Zoom!” Turns out that despite the friendly and accommodating UNO’s staff, they had terrible Wi-Fi. In these early hybrid days, videos of our meetings portrayed us as ghosts on a large screen of blasted white light. We became like specters, not in the flesh! After trying many purported A/V solutions, including variable equipment acquisitions, we gave up and ventured out in quest of other hosting venues with good Wi-Fi as the priority. Never had to deal with that before, and we missed UNO’s! The Menomonee Falls Delta Hotel near us had a beautiful conference room that could hold maybe 10 people, semi-comfortably; 12 was a squish, and the A/V was always iffy. Pretty soon, we outgrew the space anyway, and the banquet room was much too large with terrible acoustics! So, we started our search again; we checked with several banks, our public library, and various other community spaces unsuccessfully.
SAVED BY THE MENOMONEE FALLS FIRE DEPT. STATION #3! Then, Dave, our Treasurer and maybe Sergeant at Arms at the time, walked into our spiffy, modern Fire Station #3 and asked if we could use their state-of-the-art Training Center for 90 mins. on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month, from 6:30 – 8:00. They said sure, why not? We are not using it at those times, and we can always use Room B when you are in A. So, there you have it – a lifeline thrown to us by our local fire department. A new community partnership has spawned a relationship that provides mutual benefits such as hosting contests, holding special meetings, providing, and certifying gratis CPR/AED training to our Toastmasters members, and wherein we are to provide public speaking and leadership training to the Fire Dept., with an aim toward potential membership.
Thank you, Menomonee Falls Fire Fighters!
Congratulations District 35 Toastmaster Tom Carlson!
Tom Carlson: 45 Years of Toastmasters and Counting
Interview by Darlene Carlson
At the heart of Toastmasters lies a passion for public speaking and a commitment to continuous personal growth. I had the privilege to sit down with Tom Carlson, a long-standing member of not one, but four Toastmaster
clubs. His journey, spread across an impressive 45 years, is both enlightening and inspiring.
The Beginning:
Darlene: Tom, how did your Toastmasters journey begin?
Tom: A call from a stranger 45 years ago led me to a Toastmaster meeting. Even though I had heard of Toastmasters, my knowledge about it was minimal. But the caller insisted, and two weeks later, I found myself at a meeting. The speaker that day, from a local club, was an assembler at the GM Automotive factory in Janesville. His speech left me in awe.
Darlene: Can you recall the name of that first club?
Tom: It was the Janesville Toastmasters Club, now renamed Rock Solid Communicators.
Memorable Moments:
Darlene: What stands out the most in your Toastmasters journey?
Tom: Every moment has been significant. However, a pivotal one was when I was called to speak at a grower’s convention. A year later, a different stranger contacted me to lead a delegation of US Greenhouse Growers to the Soviet Union. This opportunity was based on my prior presentation. My travels behind the Iron Curtain sparked interest, leading to visits to over 30 countries worldwide.
Advice to Toastmasters:
Darlene: For someone new to Toastmasters, what guidance would you provide?
Tom: Emphasize communication skills over public speaking. It’s about refining your skills of speaking, regardless of the audience size. Toastmasters is about effective communication.
Darlene: And what about seasoned Toastmasters?
Tom: Never quit Toastmasters. Whether the feedback comes from a newbie or a veteran, there’s always something to learn.
Darlene: You continue to compete in contests. What’s your take on it?
Tom: Contests are tools, not merely avenues to win trophies. It’s about gaining new evaluations and preparing speeches that help refine our skills. The true benefit of competing? Confidence.
Leadership and Mentoring:
Darlene: Can you talk about your leadership and mentoring experiences?
Tom: While I’ve not been approached for formal mentorship, I’ve reached out to international contest winners. Learning from the likes of Lance Miller has been enlightening.
The Impact of Toastmasters:
Darlene: How has Toastmasters shaped your opportunities?
Tom: It led me to world travel opportunities I hadn’t even dreamed of. On a lighter note, during one of my trips to China, I proposed to my lady friend, and a year later, we got married in Australia.
Darlene: Why the 45-year commitment to Toastmasters?
Tom: I’m still learning. Outgrowing Toastmasters? That’s impossible. I continually find inspiration to reach higher levels, learn from my mistakes, and grow further.
Darlene: Will you enter the contest this year?
Tom: Yes, and I look forward to it.
As we wrapped up our conversation, one thing was evident. Tom’s dedication to Toastmasters is unwavering. As he rightly said, participation is the key to growth in Toastmasters. Here’s to many more years of continuous learning and growth for all Toastmasters out there.
Written by ChatGPT for the District 35 Edge
Editor’s Note: District 35 Would like to take a moment to recognize ALL Toastmasters who have originally joined Toastmasters more than 45 Years ago. Thank you all for your long-term commitment and service to Toastmasters:
- Harvey Hoernke, DTM, PDG – 57 Years – Original Join Date: 4/1/1966
- Doug Traastad, ATM, CL – 55 Years – Original Join Date: 8/1/1968
- Ed Heys, ACS – 51 Years – Original Join Date: 6/1/1972
- Henning, IP1 – 51 Years – Original Join Date: 10/1/1972
- Tom Rozga, DTM, PDG – 49 Years – Original Join Date: 4/1/1974
- Justin Gottfreid, DTM, PDG, PID – 48 Years – Original Join Date: 2/1/1975
- Jake Christopherson, DTM – 48 Years – Original Join Date: 4/1/1975
- Tom Carlson, DTM – 45 Years – Original Join Date: 9/1/1978
To any other long-term Toastmasters who may have been missed due to inconsistency in TI records, please accept our sincere thanks!
2023-2024 First Quarter Triple Crown Winners
Let’s give a round of applause to the following winners! (Hover over their names to see their awards.)
3 awards
PI1, PM2, PM3
3 awards
3 awards
PM1, PM2, PM3
4 awards
PM1, PM2, PM3, PM4
10 awards
DL1, DL2, DL3, DL4, DL5,
EH1, EH2, EH3, EH4, EH5
4 awards
EC4, TC2, TC3, TC4
Looking For Valuable Comments
Tell Us What You Think
Many people join Toastmasters because of the on-point feedback we consistently offer to our prepared speakers and officers. Here’s your chance to provide your feedback on the revamp of THE TM EDGE, this edition.
To ensure we are providing you with information that you find interesting and useful, the first 20 Toastmasters who send their answers to the following questions will earn a small token of the District’s appreciation.
- What did you enjoy most about the October Edge? Why?
- What part(s) of the October Edge did you skip? Why?
- What interesting and useful information would you like to see in future issues of THE TM EDGE?
District 35 Toastmasters, You’re Invited:
Dates: October 6, November 3, December 1Time: 6:30-8:00pm Central time
Location: Zoom from the comfort of your club or your own home
- Practice your table topic skills
- Try a Funtivity Icebreaker
- And bring the fun back to your local club
- Meet some other Toastmasters
- Grow your personal & professional network
- Have a breakout Zoom idea you would like to try?
- Just let us know!
- Non-Toastmaster friends are welcome
Join the Friday fun! Register to get the Zoom link…
Contributed by: Liz Pollock, MBA, CFP, CLU, Life Coach
Motivational speaker, radio host, author and 28-year Toastmaster,
Solarzar, will share wisdom from his book, “Leadership Magic: the Journey from Trickster to Sage”.
Leadership does not require a title, a corner office, a reserved parking space, or a business card. Be the best of who you are. Find the Magic that’s in you!
Zoom Link:
Contributed by: Liz Pollock, MBA, CFP, CLU, Life Coach
District 35 Toastmasters, “What’s News?”
Do You Have Something to Contribute to the Toastmasters Edge?
It’s here! It’s the revamped, news-packed District 35 Newsletter, the Edge!
We are excited to already be thinking about the December edition. We are looking for articles that cover a human-interest aspect of Toastmasters, something that would amaze, inspire, mystify, or in some other way entice all District Toastmasters to look forward to each issue. You can submit an article as a club member or officer. You can send an article you have co-written with a fellow Toastmaster or another club!
What’s ‘news’ in your club, Area, District? Think about: holiday events, on-going events outside of meetings (movie nights, game nights, club day-long field trips), celebrations (club charter anniversaries, members’ TM anniversaries, ‘big #’ birthdays), members’ successes (triple crowns earned, speeches given about Toastmasters to other organizations, club becoming Distinguished). We know you have a plethora of creative ideas.
Send articles for the December Edge for consideration via email attachment to: .
Jazz up the article with a picture of the person spotlighted or activity talked about.