Table of Contents

Take time for yourself this holiday season
If your holiday season is anything like mine…you are about to be stressed and blessed. December seems to be an all-out sprint to January 1. Racing between holiday parties, family gatherings, malls, tree farms, kid’s school activities, work and Toastmasters will be exhausting. Make sure you take some time to relax and take care of you this season. Here are some of my own favorite ways to relax:
- Take a walk outside. Fresh air – even the cold winter air – does wonders.
- Put down the electronics, step away from your computer and get lost in a book.
- Listen to music. Hearing your favorite song can do wonders for your mood! This time of year, playing Christmas music makes me so happy. 😊
- Writing your thoughts, even if just a few minutes a day, can help support good mental health.
Continue caring for yourself in January by focusing on your own personal and professional development. The new year is a natural time to set goals for what you want to accomplish in 2022. Take stock of where you are and all that you have accomplished in 2021. Now where do you want to be in 2022 and how can Toastmasters help you achieve your goals? Having a goal gives you focus and direction. Try these goal setting tips:
- Set SMART Goals. Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.
- Write down your goals and your plan to achieve them. This will help you with accountability.
- Review goals often and update as needed. Goals are not set in stone and need to be reviewed so you can track progress. Once you achieve a goal, reflect on successes and lessons learned so that when you write down your next goal, you are even more prepared.
How will you take care of you in December and January? I’d love for you to share your relaxation and goal setting tips, tricks and photos with me in the D35 Facebook Group.
I hope you all have a happy and relaxing holiday season. And don’t forget to take time for you. You deserve it!
Help Wanted
Are you an enthusiastic Toastmaster who wants to help get the word out about Toastmasters District 35? Do you have a passion for training other? Do you want to join the district team and learn transferable skills that you can take with you to the workforce, like setting and executing on district goals, managing a budget, and working with local media? If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Public Relations Manager is the role for you!
As the district’s public relations manager (PRM), you are responsible for coordinating an active public relations and publicity program in the district. By establishing and maintaining lines of communication between the district and its clubs, as well as between the district and the public, you will work to increase awareness of Toastmasters through local news media and social media. You are also responsible for training the club VPPRs in your district.
If you are interested in this role or learning more, contact District Director, Teri McGregor.
Strategic Doing Initiative Reminder
D35 Strategic Doing Initiative Team Asks For Your Help District 35 has embarked a new Strategic Doing effort to generate ideas and take action. Eight (8) District 35 members have been working on a way to improve club membership by attracting new, diverse community members to Toastmasters. This project seeks to answer the question, “What would the District look like if Toastmasters was the brand of choice for personal and professional development needs across diverse groups in the community?” The team are designing and developing a targeted library of testimonial videos that can be shared out to specific industries! This library will live on the District 35 website and will be accessible to members so they can share individual industry-focused videos or a broader, more general-reach video. We have researched industries, built out storyboards, designed reach-out and promotion plans, and even developed a member survey to help determine if our work is successful in the long run. This is where you come in. We are asking for your help in determining a baseline and ask that you complete this survey. The results are anonymous and the information you share will help us determine if the promotion plan is successful in answering our question. If you would like to take part in the testimonial videos, please contact Jennifer Young. Thank you, |

Program Quality Director Report
Path To Distinguished
We are excited that 71 of 97 clubs in our District have earned at least 1 DCP nearly six months into the new Toastmasters year.
A hearty congratulations goes to following 2 clubs that are charter strength (have 20+ active members and have achieved 3 or more DCP goals as of November 27, 2021) for being on track to be Distinguished:
Area | Club Name | Goals Met |
N4 | Royal Toastmasters | 5 |
A2 | ROK the Talk | 3 |
The following 10 clubs are also on track to being Distinguished having earned 3 or more DCP goals to date; however, they have not attained the Membership Goal to be Distinguished:
Area | Club Name | Goals Met |
B2 | DJAB | 6 |
A1 | Menomonee Falls Toastmasters | 4 |
D1 | Cream City Communicators | 4 |
N3 | Eclectic Image Club | 4 |
B1 | Brookfield Toastmasters | 3 |
B1 | Love of Laughter | 3 |
B3 | Waukesha Toastmasters Club | 3 |
C3 | Capital City Club | 3 |
C4 | Reedsburg Area Club | 3 |
F2 | CNH Industrial Toast Team | 3 |
Triple Crown Winners
Congratulations to the following 10 Toastmasters that have earned Triple Crown (3 or more education awards) in this Toastmasters year:
Member | Awards |
1) Barb Sexmith | 5 |
2) Kris Pool | 4 |
3) Kathy Shine | 4 |
4) Jennifer Lynn Liedl | 4 |
5) Jim Kohli | 3 |
6) Robyn Krueger | 3 |
7) Yuriy Ksenidi | 3 |
8) Elizabeth Pollock | 3 |
9) Lucas Roberts | 3 |
10) Lois TeStrake | 3 |
Pathways Path Completions
Congratulations to the following 14 members who have completed a Pathways Path since July 1, 2021. The asterisked individuals completed their Pathways path after the October 2021 Newsletter issue:
Name | Club | Pathways Path |
Jennifer Riley | Thriving Communicators | Dynamic Leadership |
Craig Mosey | ROK the Talk | Dynamic Leadership |
Heather Prueher* | Royal Toastmasters | Effective Coaching |
Jennifer Liedl* | Royal Toastmasters | Engaging Humor |
Jennifer Liedl | Royal Toastmasters | Innovative Planning |
Bonniejean Alford | The Breakfast Club | Leadership Development |
Tracy Rothman | Cream City Communicators | Leadership Development |
Annemarie Braun | Spectacle City Club | Pathways Mentor Program |
Carol Mather* | Fox Speaks Toastmasters | Pathways Mentor Program |
Keith Cumiskey | Rockwell Automation A-B Club | Pathways Mentor Program |
Lucas Roberts | Red Cedar Toastmasters | Persuasive Influence |
Debra Ruskamp* | Rolling Hills Toastmasters | Presentation Mastery |
Philip Rechek | Heart Of Eau Claire | Presentation Mastery |
Eric Wunder | Brookfield Toastmasters | Strategic Relationships |
Kathy Shine | SpeakEasy Toastmasters | Team Collaboration |
Club Officer Training—Winter Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI)
We have already conducted 2 Winter TLIs. There is one more opportunity for club officers to get credit for Winter TLI training.
Register here to attend the last Winter TLI on Saturday, December 18, 2021 from 8:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. CST:
Congratulations to the following 7 clubs which had 4 or more club officers trained on November 6!
Area | Club Name | Total |
B3 | Waukesha Toastmasters Club | 5 |
B2 | Generally Speaking Toastmasters | 5 |
E1 | Plymouth Toastmasters Club | 5 |
B2 | DJAB | 4 |
C3 | Capital City Club | 4 |
C3 | Walworth County Toastmasters Club | 4 |
F2 | CNH Industrial Toast Team | 4 |
Attention Club Officers: please check your club’s dashboard to ensure that the Winter TLI Club Officer Training Record is accurate. If you find that the number of officers trained in your club is inaccurate, reach out to Program Quality Director, Jennifer Kibicho right away and certainly by December 22, 2021 to have that corrected.
2021-2022 Speech Contests
We are nearing the start of the 2021-2022 speech contest season. Please note that because our District voted that all Area, Division and District Contests will be held in-person, we need to plan accordingly. However, club Contests can be held in-person or virtually. Please note that we might need to move speech contests online if the Covid-19 pandemic persists and restrictions are re-imposed.
Our District is sponsoring two contests:
- Table Topics Contest—final contest will be at the District Level
- International Speech Contest—winner will advance to the International Semi-Finals Speech Contest
Here is the link to the District 35 Speech Contest Resources.
Speech Contest Important Timeline:
- December 1, 2021 – January 31, 2022: Club-level Table Topics and International Speech Contests (clubs have the option to conduct their contests in person or on-line)
- February 1, 2022 – March 26, 2022: Area-level Table Topics and International Speech Contests (in-person contest)
- March 31, 2022 – May 1, 2022: Division-level Table Topics and International Speech Contests (in-person contest)
- May 13, 2022 – May 14, 2022: District-level Table Topics and International Speech Contest (in-person contest)
Please visit the District Calendar on for details on the training.
Education Sessions
Speech Contestant Workshop:
Title: How to Rock the Contest Stage
Date: Monday, December 13, 2021 @ 7-8 P.M. CST.
Presenter: Eric Feinendegen, World Champion of Public Speaking Finalist
Registration Link:
Chief Judge Training Workshop
Title: How to Run a Speech Contest
Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2022 @ 7-8 P.M. CST.
Presenter: Judy Bauer, DTM, 2001-2002 District 35 Director, District 35 Chief Judge
Registration Link:
Last Word: About that $0.25/Day Investment in your Professional Development
Am super excited to report that I have completed 2 levels and just a single speech away from completing a third level and earning my Triple Crown! Are you on track to complete a Pathway Education Level by end of year? If not, reach out to your Vice President of Education (VPE) and schedule to give a Pathways speech soon. Remember, if you give a speech every 3 months, you will complete a Level by end of year!
Please reach out and share your journey about completing a Pathway Level or perhaps earning a Triple Crown @

Club Coach Program
Help Wanted!
Are you an experienced Toastmaster? Are you looking for an opportunity to complete a requirement for your Distinguished Toastmaster, and take on one of the most rewarding roles in the district? If so, we need you as a club Coach!
Club Coaches work with struggling clubs to work their way back to a healthy level of membership, by being a resource to club members in strategies to encourage membership growth, enthusiasm, and interest in the Toastmasters Education Program.
We need your help! District 35 has more clubs requesting coaches than it has in the number of coaches available. We need more members to step forward and take on this important role, to help our clubs across the district.
If interested in taking on this important role please reach out to Jason Feucht, Club Growth Director, or Keith Cumiskey, Club Retention Chair.
Toastmasters International Updates Club Coach Program
Starting with the 2022-2023 Toastmasters year, several updates are being made to the Club Coach Program. These changes are meant to make the process more formal, and to make the expectations of the program clearer to all.
Key Changes Include:
- Club Coach Prerequisites
- Must be a Toastmaster for at least 1 program year
- Club Coaches Cannot join the club they are coaching while assigned as Coach
- Must have completed at least Level Two (2) in any Pathways path, or achieved an Advanced Leadership Bronze designation in the traditional educational program
- Must have served as a club officer for at least one program year
- Coaches can only coach one club at a time
- Must be a Toastmaster for at least 1 program year
- Required Club Coach Training
- Required Club Coach Reports
- Reports required to TI, club officers and District Leaders within 30 days of appointment and every 60 days after
- Opportunity to Earn District Leader Credit
- If the Toastmaster meets the basic requirements for DTM credits and also gets the club to full charter strength, they will also be eligible for District Leader Credit.
More Details can be found in the most recent Minutes from the Board of Directors Meetings
These new rules and processes apply to all coaches appointed after June 30, 2022. Coaches appointed prior to then follow existing club coach guidelines.
District 35 Social Media Advertising Campaign
District 35’s Social Media Advertising has continued since launching in September.
We are excited for this program which is focused on building brand awareness of Toastmasters as an organization across Wisconsin and Upper Michigan. Our ads are targeted to help build membership in existing clubs by targeting the counties in Wisconsin and Michigan where there are existing District 35 clubs. The ads give some basic information about Toastmasters and direct the individual to “Learn More” and “Find A Club.”
Facebook Campaign Statistics
Month | Individual Reach | Ad Impressions |
September 2021 | 14,863 | 26,129 |
October 2021 | 20,559 | 43,498 |
November 2021 | 15,960 | 34,769 |
Total | 45,019 | 104,396 |
LinkedIn Campaign Statistics
Month | Individual Reach | Ad Impressions |
October 2021 | 6,286 | 10,246 |
November 2021 | 3,384 | 3,704 |
Total | 9,046 | 13,950 |
We plan to continue running the ads on Facebook and LinkedIn, as planned, and budgeted for the remainder of the Toastmasters year. We are hopeful that this effort will increase awareness of Toastmasters as well as drive some interested individuals to clubs.
Remember to ask guests and new members where they heard about Toastmasters. The only way we know the ads are working is through feedback from guests and members. If guests or new members share that they saw an Ad on Facebook, LinkedIn or elsewhere, please ask where and let Jason Feucht, Club Growth Director know.
Let’s all grow our clubs!

Hall of Fame – October 2021
After almost 1 ½ years, District 35 met in person to celebrate the 2020-2021 achievements and Hall of Fame in Marshfield, WI on Saturday, October 30, 2021. With a smaller than anticipated attendance of 45 members, friends, and family, it was an intimate affair enjoyed by all. Lots of hugs, handshakes, and fist bumps depending on the comfort level of each person.
Special thanks to Harvey Hoernke and Tom Rozga for coordinating the 39th anniversary of the Hall of Fame presentation!
In Memoriam
- Everil Quist, DTM
- Ellen Starke, DTM
- Brenda Quale, DTM
Director’s Award – Eclectic Image Club #8542
Division Director of the Year – Karen Polege, DTM, Northern Division
Area Director of the Year – Theresa Flynn, DTM, Area F3
Toastmaster of the Year and T Award Winner – Craig Carpenter, DTM
Did You Receive??
With everything that happened hybrid during 2020-2021, sometimes we may have missed mailing out pins and awards. Think triple crown pin, DTM medallion, leap frog pin (if you paid your individual membership for a full year), etc.
If you think you should have received an item but didn’t, please send an email to Kris Pool at with the item and your mailing address.
Stirring Up Memories with District 35!
Kris Pool, Immediate Past District Director, is coordinating a District 35 Cookbook with profits from the sale to be used to help offset costs for the May 2022 Spring Conference in Marshfield, WI.
You’re invited to submit your favorite recipes — but it’s more than the recipes that will be included in this cookbook. You’re asked to share the story and memories behind the recipe. For example:
Mexican Fudge
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
3 eggs
9 oz. taco sauce or salsa
Mix the cheeses together and set aside. Beat eggs, then add taco sauce or salsa and mix. Put ½ of the cheese in the bottom of a 9″ pie pan/rectangle pan. Pour egg mixture over, then put the rest of the cheese on top. Bake 20-25 minutes at 350°. Serve warm with crackers.
I was first introduced to this recipe by my in-laws. It’s simple, savory, and tasty. This is my brother-in-law Brian’s favorite appetizer at holiday gatherings. I do prefer using salsa whereas Brian prefers the taco sauce. But he’s a little weird and that’s okay! To this day, we still argue over who will bring the Mexican Fudge to the party.
~ Kris Pool, Cream City Communicators
The story doesn’t have to be very long, but it is to help us gain an understanding of why a recipe is important to you. This is also a way for us to connect more with one another in the future.
If you want to be included in this cookbook, please send your submission(s) to Kris Pool no later than February 14, 2022. The book will be available for purchase by mid-March. The planned cost for this is $5.00 per cookbook. You’ll receive a pdf file.
Current and former members of District 35 are invited to participate. And yes, you can submit multiple recipes and stories.
Please send the following information to
- Recipe title and actual recipe
- Story behind the recipe
- Your name and club(s)
- Your phone and email (in case I need to follow-up with you for any clarification or questions). Contact information will NOT be published.
- Optional – picture of your completed dish
- Indicate a category for your recipe. If no category is indicated, the team will make the best decision possible to place in the right category.
- Appetizers and Snacks
- Beverages
- Breakfast
- Breads and Rolls
- Cookies and Candy
- Desserts
- Main Dishes
- Soups and Salads
- Vegetables and Side Dishes
- This and That (Play Dough, BBQ sauce, Chicken Rub/Spices, etc.)
- Other category – please specify
NOTE: This is a DTM capstone project for Kris as she works towards her first Pathways DTM. If you would like to be part of the team to review the recipes, edit, format, and proofread the cookbook, please contact Kris by December 30, 2021. As part of the team and the requirements for this project, you’ll be asked to complete a 360° evaluation on Kris as the leader of this project.
Be a part of something special and let’s stir up some memories together!

Let’s CELEBRATE! on May 13th and 14th
Plan to attend our first in-person* Spring Conference since 2019 on May 13th and 14th, 2022, in Marshfield, WI. The theme? —— “Let’s CELEBRATE!”
Ed Tate, 2000 World Champion of Public Speaking and Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) will be our Spring Conference 2022 Speaker, attending in person. Ed Tate is an Award-winning Keynote Speaker who has presented keynotes in over 100 Districts.
This is his first time giving a keynote in District 35. Please check out his website at There will be a pre-conference virtual Meet & Greet session with Ed Tate that will be open to the public in Spring 2022 (date TBD).
The conference boasts nine additional education sessions along with the Opening Ceremonies, Friday Fun Night, Award Banquets and other traditional Pomp and Circumstance, not to mention our Table Topics and International Speech Contests. From the Parade of Banners to the final Raffle Drawing, you won’t want to miss this event.
Education session presenters are being sought now. Volunteer opportunities are plenty. Log into and go to the Events page for contact information. (Yes, you have to log into the district website. Register/Login at the top of the page.) Check back to the events page often for updates.
Please feel free to reach out directly to Rhonda Williams @ with any questions you might have.
*We hope to have a large in-person turnout but realize that not everyone can attend in person, so the Keynote, Education Sessions, and other portions of the conference will be hybrid. We will be following CDC guidelines to ensure safety. Masks are currently optional for vaccinated individuals, and requested to be worn by unvaccinated persons. While we are not requiring proof of vaccination or negative Covid test status at this time, we ask that you help us adhere to CDC guidelines so that we can celebrate safely together.

Rise Up Toastmasters! – Call For 2022-2023 District Leaders
The theme for our last Fall District Conference in 2017, which I led as Program Quality Director, was “Rise Up Toastmasters!”. I felt this was an important theme because Toastmasters allows us to grow in some many ways that allow us to “rise up” from our former selves to more confident and respected communicators and leaders.
As we are rising up, we are also following the core principles of Toastmasters of respect, integrity, service and excellence. I feel these core principles are also qualities that are exhibited by the best leaders out there in the world today.
Now as we approach the end of 2021, in my capacity as chairperson of the District Leadership Committee (DLC), I am calling on some of my fellow Toastmasters to “rise up” to District Leadership for the 2022-2023 Toastmasters year that begins on July 1, 2022. I know of no other organization that allows so many people to practice skills at the level of our District leaders in a safe and supportive environment.
The nominations that the DLC will be reviewing are for the elected District Leadership positions which include the following:
- District Director
- Program Quality Director
- Club Growth Director
- Division Directors (Seven Divisions – A, B, C, D, E, F, N)
Nominations for appointed positions (Area Directors, Administration Manager, Finance Manager and Public Relations Manager) can be submitted to the DLC chairperson but these will be held and provided to the 2022-2023 District Director to make the appointments.
A candidate may nominate himself/herself or nominate another Toastmaster. Each candidate will need to submit a candidate application (links are below) for any of the offices along with the officer agreement and release form.
The following forms will need to be filled out and submitted to the DLC chairperson:
- Candidate Application
- Candidate Biography
- District Leader Agreement and Release Statement
- District Leader Nominating Form
For your reference the following documents can assist you to determine if these roles are right for you:
The call for nominations officially will begin as of the publication date of the newsletter in December 2021 and goes until January 31, 2022. The evaluation process of the nominated candidates will occur in February 2022 and March 2022. Please send all documents to me at

It’s Not a New Year.
Before you think to yourself, “This woman must have calendar issues,” let me explain. If I were writing this article for any organization whose business year started on January 1, of course I would enthusiastically exclaim, “It’s a New Year!” Since I’m writing for District 35’s Newsletter, no, it is not a new year; it is our half-year anniversary. “Happy Half-Year, everyone!”
Here’s my point: we as Toastmasters can look at January 1, 2022 as our Toastmasters’ glasses being half full or half empty. Yes, it was six months ago that we elected new officers, created our Success Plans for 2021-2022, and set our personal goals for the roles, Paths, or Pathways Levels we wanted to complete. Some of those goals may have had July 1 start dates and December 31 completion dates. December 31 came quickly, didn’t it?
“Half-empty-outlook Toastmasters” may be lamenting that six months have passed with few successes. Maybe the club hasn’t welcomed the three new members it strived for. Perhaps only one or two members have completed a Pathways Level, leaving the club shy of its DCP goals. An unachieved goal might include going hybrid with meetings, and that didn’t happen…yet. All hope of success seems so far away, if it occurs at all. It’s too late! We give up! Sigh.
“Half-full-outlook Toastmasters,” not all of whom have achieved goals set back in July, may be celebrating successes. “We didn’t lose members, and we are all enthusiastic and engaged within our club!” “Mary completed her Level 2, and Bill is one speech away from achieving his Level 4!” “We found a new in-person meeting venue, and we’re working on that Zoom experience…we’re almost hybrid, and on the road to potential member visits!”
The way we look at things, as optimists or pessimists, with half-full glasses or half-empty glasses, does make a difference when it comes to goal achievements.
Let’s make a pact as the second half of our Toastmasters year arrives. Virtually raise your right hand and state to the universe: “We promise to dust off and update the Success Plan our club created last summer. We will encourage each other to move forward in our Pathways achievements and celebrate each success. As individual Toastmasters, we will set achievable goals with firm start dates of January 1, 2022 and end dates that occur before June 30, 2022.”
Happy Half-Year, fellow Toastmasters!