Basecamp Manager Bootcamp
Calling all VPEs, Presidents and Secretaries! Do you know what tools you have in Pathways? Do you know what to do when a member finishes a level? Find out this […]
Calling all VPEs, Presidents and Secretaries! Do you know what tools you have in Pathways? Do you know what to do when a member finishes a level? Find out this […]
Table Topics isn't just the most fun part of many meetings, it's a great way to build cohesion among members and it's a less threatening way to develop the same […]
Hybrid, in-person component in Northern Division
Mentoring builds new skills in experienced Toastmasters, it focuses and supports new Toastmasters, and it can build longevity and goal-focused culture for your club! How can you bring a mentoring […]
This isn't a breakaway Marvel Universe movie coming out soon! High Performance Leadership projects are required in half the paths out there, and Distinguished Toastmaster projects are one of the […]
Many clubs use Free Toast Host to keep their agenda sign up, club communication and some marketing materials all in one place, but sometimes it's not completely intuitive. Let's walk […]
This is not a club officer training nor Toastmasters Leadership institute. How do you lead? How do you want to lead? Toastmasters is a safe place to practice new leadership […]
Virtual Only
Contests are the REAL public speaking opportunity in Toastmasters! You're up there in front of people you don't know, you'll probably do the speech a couple times improving it, and […]
Join Us for the District 35 Toastmasters Leadership Institute!
Location: Madison Pinney Library 516 Cottage Grove Rd, Madison, WI
Date: Saturday, November 16
Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM $ Cost: FREE This in-person […]