Winter TLI is coming, watch this space for more information!

Date: Saturday, February 3, 2018

Location: Monona Terrace – Madison, WI

Presentation Slides:  

2018 February


1. REVISED-WinterTLI Pathways

Size: 9.02 MB
Hits: 573
Date added: 02-09-2018

2018 Monona Terrace contract

Size: 154.88 KB
Hits: 234
Date added: 06-13-2019

Creating a Club Vision Statement with Gamestorming

Size: 2.69 MB
Hits: 596
Date added: 02-09-2018

District 35 2018 REVISED Catering District TLI

Size: 24.15 KB
Hits: 223
Date added: 07-03-2019

TLI Task List and Upcoming Calls - 1.22.18

Size: 23.55 KB
Hits: 210
Date added: 07-03-2019

Need a Ride:  Want a ride from Milwaukee to Madison for the TLI?  We have arranged a bus with a capacity of 40 passengers.  Cost for the bus is $25 round trip.  Departing from Downtown Milwaukee (McKinley Marina) at about 7:15am, and Goerkes Corners at 7:45am.  We will arrive in Madison at around 8:45am.  Planned departure would be at 4:30pm, arriving back at Goerkes Corners at 5:30pm and downtown at 6:00pm.  You can sign up and pay for the bus when you register for the event.

Keynote Speaker

Gary Schmidt is Director of Public and Government Affairs for Clackamas County, Oregon. He previously worked for Oregon’s U.S. Senators, Mark Hatfield and Gordon Smith. He has been a Toastmaster for 20 years and served as the International President of Toastmasters in 2009-2010.

Keynote Session

The Secrets of Successful Leaders

What makes a leader successful? Gary will share the insights he gained observing and working with leaders in business, politics and Toastmasters. Learn the three secrets of successful leaders and how these secrets can help you achieve greatness and success in your personal and professional journeys.



Session Presenter(s) Start Finish
Doors Open  – 8:30
Registration  – 8:30 9:30
Networking  – 8:30 9:30
Kick off Ed Thelen, DTM /Keith Cumiskey, DTM/Katie Castern, ACB, ALB 9:30 9:45
Keynote: Secrets of Successful Leaders Gary Schmidt, DTM 9:45 10:45
Break 10:45 11:00
The Pathways Education Program To be announced 11:00 12:00
Lunch, break, networking 12:00 1:00
Panel Discussion: Clubs that Made a Turn Around Yvonne Lumsden-Dill, DTM 1:00 1:45
Break 1:45 2:00
Toastmasters Makes Your Dreams Come True Gary Schmidt, DTM 2:00 3:00
Break 3:00 3:15
Creating a Club Vision Statement with Gamestorming Teresa Hutton, CC, CL 3:15 4:00
Wrap up Ed Thelen, DTM 4:00 4:30

Educational Spotlight