District Club Officer Training

Winter Club Officer Training
Has Concluded for Winter 2023
Thank you to the Planning Team, Presenters and all attending Club Officers
All Club Officer Training outside the District must be concluded by February 28, 2023 and must be recorded no later than March 31, 2023
TLI Attendance Information
Please confirm your Club Training Attendance
Click on the links to the right.
Winter TLI
Dr. Kevin Snyder presented a highly-engaging keynote at our TLI on January 21st. If you’d like to watch the recording, visit the following link:
For more information about Dr. Kevin Snyder, visit his website: https://www.kevincsnyder.com/
Listen to a recent interview with Dr. Kevin Snyder on on the Toastmasters Podcast.
Watch Dr. Snyder’s Accredited Speaker keynote given at the 2022 Toastmasters International Convention.

Club Officer Training vs Toastmasters Leadership Institute – What is the difference?
A critical element in supporting all clubs in achieving excellence is for Districts to train club officers twice per year. Round two training has begun
and occurs between November 1 & February 28. Our goal is to give club officers the tools they need to support individual members meet their goals throughout the year. When members are supported and seeing success, clubs will thrive! But how does this get done?
The Program Quality team is excited to offer multiple training opportunities carried out in various formats, on varied dates and times in an effort to meet the needs of all of our club officers. We have one Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) and five Club Officer Training (COT) sessions on the calendar.
A TLI is a premier event that includes a keynote speaker, one or more general sessions and multiple breakout sessions. A TLI is often longer to accommodate a more robust agenda and includes both Toastmasters Club Officer specific topics as well as broader Toastmasters topics. We are excited to announce that the Keynote presenter for the Winter TLI on January 21, 2023 will be the newest Toastmasters International Accredited Speaker, Dr. Kevin Snyder!
A COT is typically a shorter training session that includes one or more general sessions and a breakout session. Topics at a COT are Toastmasters Club focused specific.
Training is also a good means to develop leaders by introducing them to new skills and new ideas. While the sessions are geared towards club officers to ensure they have information relevant to their role, these are open to all Toastmasters. All members are invited to attend! Officers who attend any of the TLI or COT sessions will receive training credit for the DCP.