[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Welcome to the LAST District 35 Newsletter of the 2018-2019 Toastmaster Year!

Inside this issue:

    1. Thanks for the memories!
    2. Spring Convention, Training, and Pathways
    3. Seek, Learn, Grow
    4. Planning for the 2019-2020 Toastmaster Year
    5. 60 Years Old!

Ed Thelen, DTM

District 35 Director


I can’t believe that my time on the District 35 Trio is almost over!  It seems like yesterday you were electing me Club Growth Director for the District back in Oshkosh in May 2016.

This has been an incredible journey that I have been most fortunate to take over the past three years.  There have been plenty of triumphs, plenty of disappointments, many happy times and a few tears have been shed too.  However, I wouldn’t trade in the experience for anything…that’s how much I feel this experience has made me a better person.

As my final message as your District Director, I thought I would offer a few items to think about as you continue your leadership journey.  Here are a few items for reflection:

Challenge yourself.   As I was running for Club Growth Director, I had somewhat of an inkling of what the job entailed.  That doesn’t mean I knew how to do many aspects of the job.  I decided I would try my best and seek the advice of those who had served in the position before I did to see how I could perform my role well.

I implore all of you to find something that will challenge you.  This might be taking on a Club officer role.  This might be taking that next step and serving as a District leader.  It could also be taking on a project, either inside or outside of Toastmasters that will challenge your leadership skills.  You will be grateful later for sticking your neck out, trying something new and being able to say “I did it!”

Balance practicing your communication and leadership skills.  Every year when I took on a leadership role, I felt I was so busy with the role that I forgot about practicing speeches in club meetings and when opportunities arose.  As a result, whenever I had to give a speech, I did not feel prepared enough and relied too much on my years of experience to give speeches.  Some speeches went better than others.

This is one area where Pathways has helped.  By having to review the digital material prior to giving the speech, it is forcing more preparation time.  I also am doing my best to review material for any manual speeches.  Many World Champions and others will preach the importance of “stage time” – remember to take advantage of it!

“It’s only Toastmasters!” – There are some of us, especially those of us beyond the club level, that spend a LOT of time on Toastmasters.  It is great that we have the passion and fire for the organization and people are appreciative of our efforts.

However, in our quest to either get everything perfect and not wanting to fail or not wanting to disappoint others Toastmasters can become all consuming.  This is not healthy if sustained over long periods of time.  Because of wanting to meet our District goals, I neglected some other parts of my life to make sure no one could say I wasn’t doing my job as Club Growth Director or Program Quality Director.  This year I made some changes to make sure I am including some work on seeking that proper balance as I transition out of my District Director role.  Make sure you are doing the same!

Thank you for all of the support you have provided over these last three years.  The regular influx of positive and supportive feedback has definitely kept me going when times seemed a bit rough.  As I mentioned in my speech at the Spring Convention, there were a number of things I was proud of taking away from this experience.  Please continue to be great Toastmasters by supporting our incoming 2019-2020 team and know that I am an e-mail or phone call away if you need assistance with anything.  Best wishes in your future endeavors!


Rozaline Janci, DTM

Program Quality Director and District Director-elect


What a great spring we had, I am happy to report that we had over 300 Toastmasters “Get in the Game” at our Spring Convention in Green Bay, WI, May 10th &11th, 2019.

Our featured guest presenters were Pres Vasilev, 2013 World Champion of Public speaking, and our International Director, Don Bittick. Pres Vasilev entertained, educated and inspired the convention attendees with 2 sessions. Our International Director presented a topic on building leadership pipelines.

Kudos to our contest winners:

International Speech Contest – Herman Noronha. Good luck Herman at the Region Quarterfinals. We will be notified of the winners of Region Quarterfinals the 1st week in July.

Humorous Speech Contest – Allen Edge

I hope you were there; I hope you remember the awesome educational sessions, the networking opportunities, the 2 days of fun and camaraderie with fellow toastmasters and guests.


This year has been very exciting, Toastmasters International records indicate that district 35 ranks No.13 in the adoption of pathways out of 116 districts around the world. Another reason we got to number 13 out of a 116 districts is due to the influx of members that began the pathways education program this year.  Just a reminder we only have until June 2020  to earn educational awards in the traditional program.


Training of our outgoing Area and Division Directors was provided last June and has continued at every DEC meeting. So far things have been on course. We also had a great training for our incoming Area and Division Directors on June 15th at the Medical College of Wisconsin.

I am looking forward to serving you as your District Director next toastmaster year. Thank you for your support and allowing me the continued opportunity to serve you in District 35.


Kris Pool, DTM

Club Growth Director and Program Quality Director-Elect


Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) is a great opportunity for you to ramp up your own Toastmasters experience, learn and refresh, network and make new acquaintances and friends. Trained club officers are the best predictor of club success. This is an opportunity for new officers to learn about their roles and responsibilities, as well as tools for success in their club, and experienced officers to share their experience and mentor others.

Need a few more reasons to attend?

  • You don’t have to be an officer to attend TLI; it is for everyone.
  • For officers, please read your officer manual prior to attending.
  • To receive credit toward DCP Goal 9, be sure to complete the registration check in AND sign the roster; include your club number and officer role. If you hold the same position in multiple clubs, be sure to indicate that on the appropriate forms  
  • Be an active listener. Ask questions and learn.
  • Share your experiences and participate in discussions
  • Encourage other officers to attend.
  • Network and have fun!

TLI sessions will be held during June, July, and August. Planning is in the works and notices will be sent directly to club officers, posted on the district Facebook page, and district calendar at https://district35.org/events/.

Scheduled as of this writing:

Northern: June 8 (Wausau) and June 22 (Eau Claire)

Central: June 30 (American Family, Madison) and July 20 (Blackhawk Technical College)

DFAB: June 22 (Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)

Eastern: TBA

PLANNING FOR 2019-2020

June is almost over which means the end of one Toastmasters year and the beginning of a new. Want to start your planning now?

  1. Club Officer Lists – clubs should have held their officer elections by now (I hope). If not, make this a priority at your next June meeting. Be sure to receive credit towards the Distinguished Club Program (DCP) goal #10 and submit your 2019-2020 officer list to Club Central before June 30. This is an easy goal to achieve and should take less than 10 minutes after your club meeting to complete.
  2. Ambassador Program – several members have been asking if the Ambassador Program will continue. And the answer you have been waiting for is “YES!” Club visits will count toward the program beginning July 1, 20219. If you attend TLI training in any division in June, this will count for the 2019-2020 program, provided you submit your entry online. For now, continue to use the current Ambassador link at https://district35.org/ambassador-form/. Be sure to include your observed best practices and what you would like to see implemented in your own club or start for your personal development. And most important, share the information with your club members.
  3. Speech Contests – the District is pleased to announce the two contests this year will be Table Topics and the International Speech Contest. More information about deadlines for the club, area, and division contests will be announced in the August newsletter. The District-level contests will be held May 1-2, 2020 in Waukesha, WI.
  4. Winter TLI – What do you want the club officers to learn at Winter TLI? Share your insights and wisdom as an education session speaker for the District-wide TLI on Saturday, December 7, 2019 in Appleton, WI. Watch the district website and Facebook for the call for speakers.



by Mike Zelm, DTM, 2018-2019 Club President

I was not a member when the Capital City club started.  I am not as old as I look.  I joined the Capital City club because it was suggested by a couple of close Toastmasters friends.  My noon club was great, but did not allow time for much socializing.  That was 25 years ago.  Who knew that spending more time on Toastmasters could make it more interesting?  The Capital City club, as most clubs do, experienced its ups and downs in membership.  However, when I think back to the hundreds of members who benefitted, that justifies the effort of all the past club officers.  I believe the Capital City Club is the second oldest in Madison, and was chartered April 1, 1959.

The Club history from before I joined is unknown.  During the time I was a member, the club membership included 3 District Governors, at least 3 Division Governors, and several Area Governors.  Members have held various non-elected District offices as well.  The Club has had numerous contestants to most of the different types of speech contests.  Members have helped start several new clubs in the area.  We have consistently had an involved membership outside of the club.

Meeting excellence has always been a strength of this club.  I have seen new members gain the confidence and use their skills to get better jobs; be the emcee at a class reunion; or give presentations at work or school.  This club certainly deserves to celebrate its 60 years![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]