Presented by Dr. Kevin Snyder
Keynote Speech, January 21st, 2023
Kevin has presented over 1,150 keynotes and leadership training workshops in all 50 states and several countries. Audiences range from high school to human resources, from college to corporate and all in between. His high-energy and engaging programs are ideal as conference keynotes and his topics integrate a variety of hot topics.
Interested in professional speaking? Kevin coaches aspiring speakers on how to design a powerful presentation and then find speaking opportunities to spread that message. Through his speaker coaching program and book, PAID to SPEAK, he has coached over 100 speakers to learn not only the craft and delivery of public speaking, but also how to get paid doing it!
Additional Resources
Keynote slide deck. Kevin Snyder. D35 1.21.23
Dr Kevin Snyder Keynote Presentation Slides
Listen to a recent interview with Dr. Kevin Snyder on the Toastmasters Podcast.
Watch Dr. Kevin Snyder’s Accredited Speaker Keynote speech given at the 2022 Toastmasters International Convention.
Watch a sizzle reel to get a glimpse of Kevin’s style.

About the presenter:
Dr. Kevin Snyder, Ed.D.
Using his experience as a struggling youth who battled depression, an eating disorder and even being arrested, Dr. Kevin Snyder has transformed himself into one of the most dynamic motivational speakers and inspirational authors. Through his programs and books, he has helped nearly half a million people discover their passion and leadership abilities.
In addition to being a professional speaker who has keynoted presentations across the globe, Kevin is the author of several books, a coach for aspiring speakers and authors, a volunteer for numerous charitable causes and faculty at his local community college.
Kevin earned his Doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of Central Florida (go Knights!), his Masters from the University of South Carolina (go Cocks!) and his undergraduate degree in Marine Biology from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington (go Seahawks!).
In his free time, Kevin spends time with family, sails along the North Carolina Coast, mountain boards with his two dogs Barker and Guinness, sings ‘competitive’ karaoke, plays piano and watches episodes of The Price is Right!
For more information, visit his website.