A Club Sponsor is an experienced Toastmaster who possesses leadership skills, passion for Toastmasters, and a strong sense of dedication to helping charter a new club. Each new club may have up to two sponsors.
The sponsor is responsible for organizing the new club, including selling the new club idea to prospective members, helping to set up regular meetings, completing the charter paperwork, and planning the charter party. Sponsors receive a certificate and credit toward the requirements of a DTM after they return the “Get Credit” form to Toastmasters International.

Note: Sponsors must apply for credit no later than 90 days after the club’s official charter date. Any changes or additions to the sponsor assignments must be made no later than 60 days after the club’s officer charter date.
The sponsor offers encouragement and advice until the club charters, helps the club with their charter party, and attends the new club’s charter presentation. The sponsor works with the new club to:
- Arrange inter-club meetings and exchange of speakers and evaluators.
- Invite new club officers to attend meetings of the executive committee.
- Explain the benefits of attending events outside the club environment.
- Invite the new club’s members to attend speech contests, club officers training, and other special meetings and encourage participation at these events.
- Present programs from the Better Speaker Series, the Successful Club Series, and the Leadership Excellence Series at the new club’s meetings
Sponsoring clubs
Occasionally, an entire existing club may assist to start a new club. The sponsoring club offers the new club encouragement and advice and its members attend the new club’s charter presentation. Sponsoring clubs earn the “Founder’s Award” club banner ribbon.
The sponsoring club works with the mentor after the new club charters to:
- Arrange inter-club meetings and exchange of speakers and evaluators.
- Invite the new club’s officers to attend meetings of the Executive Committee.
- Invite the new club’s members to attend anniversary meetings, speech contests, and other special meetings.
- Present programs from The Better Speaker Series, The Successful Club Series, and the Leadership Excellence Series at the new club’s meetings.
- Remind the new club about District training programs, Area and Division Speech contests, and other District meetings and functions and encouraging their participation at these events.
If you are interested in becoming a New Club Sponsor, please contact Club Growth Director Jason Feucht, DTM at jfeucht.tm@gmail.com
If you would like to learn more about chartering a new club, please read the document, “How to build a Toastmasters Club“.