2024-2025 Incentives

The District 35 Awards & Incentive Program rewards your club for delivering a quality club experience. See below for a list of Awards and Incentives currently available. If you have any questions regarding a particular incentive, please fill out the district contact form.

This page is the incentive list for the 2024-2025 program year. 

District Dollars continue this year! District Dollars earned last year have rolled over to this year. View your club’s District Dollars account balance here. For questions regarding District Dollars, scroll to the bottom of the page.

Club Success Plan / Moments Of Truth

We want your club to start  the 2024-2025 program year on the right foot, and we’re offering an incentive tied to two critical key success factors – the Club Success Plan, and the Moments Of Truth. This incentive will be limited to the first 20 clubs, so schedule those meetings!

Completed before 9/30/2024:

  • Complete & submit a Club Success Plan before September 30th & your club earns $20.
  • Complete & submit Moments Of Truth before September 30th & your club earns $20.
  • Complete both CSP and MOT before September 30th and earn a $10 bonus!

Completed 10/1/2024 – 12/31/2024

  • Complete & submit a Club Success Plan before December 31st & your club earns $10.
  • Complete & submit Moments Of Truth before December 31st & your club earns $10.

A Member-Centric Mission:

  • After you do your CSP, develop a “club mission” and earn $10 in District Dollars. Your club mission should outline what makes your club unique, and/or who your club serves. 

Mission-Based Marketing:

  • Create a marketing/PR campaign based on the member-centric mission you developed, and implement it, to earn $30 in District Dollars.

Membership-Building Incentives

Every club in District 35 would benefit from new members. We’ve therefore created a number of incentives around maintaining your membership and adding new members to your club! Many of these incentives stack, so (for example) if you bring back two former members, get four new members, and add two more members beyond that, increasing your club’s membership to three above your club base, you’d earn the “Elite 8” ribbon, “What Was Old Is New Again,” “All About The Base,” and “Deepening The A-Team.” Work on getting that membership up!

DCP Point Incentives:

  • Get your “4 new members” DCP point and earn a shiny new “Fab 4” banner ribbon.
  • Get your second “4 new members” DCP point and not only earn a shiny new “Elite 8” banner ribbon, but get rewarded with $15 in District Dollars.
  • Increase your membership by a whopping 16 members or more and not only earn a shiny new “Sweet 16” banner ribbon, but get rewarded with $15 in District Dollars.
Limit of one banner ribbon and one $15 award for the above incentives, no matter how many members you get.

All About The Base:

  • Grow 3 members above your club base by June 30th, 2025 and earn a shiny new banner ribbon.

Getting Into The Community:

  • Hold Speechcraft, Youth Leadership, or some other educational event and gain at least one member (a Speechcraft participant, a parent of a Youth Leadership graduate, etc.) to earn $50 in District Dollars. 

What Was Old Is New Again:

  • Bring back two former members that haven’t been a member for at least one calendar year, and earn $10 in District Dollars

Deepening The A-Team:

  • Get four new members that have never been Toastmasters before, and get a shiny new banner ribbon.

Phoenix Award:

  • Go from 12 members or less to 20 members or more by June 30th, 2025, and earn a shiny new banner ribbon.

Renewal Incentives

It’s important to maintain your club’s membership, and renewals are a huge part of that. We have a handful of incentives around on-time and early renewals this year.

Leap Into The New Year:

  • Pay dues for at least eight members in October or November for April-September 2025 period early (full year dues), and earn $30 in District Dollars.

Leap Into Next Year:

  • Pay dues for at least eight members in April or May for October 2025-March 2026 period early (full year dues) and earn $15 in District Dollars.

Maintaining The Base:

  • Have members equal to or greater than your membership base on 12/31/2024 and earn $10 in District Dollars.

Club-Building Incentives

Starting new clubs is something that happens at the district level, but it doesn’t happen without the help of many, many individual members. Participate in the club-building process this year to earn a number of incentives!

Identify The Opportunity:

  • Provide one qualified lead that results in a productive conversation, and earn $20 in District Dollars.
  • If that lead turns into a chartered club, earn an additional $60 in District Dollars.

“Qualified lead” is at CGD discretion, but generally means a company or organization with at least 200 people that can accommodate a Toastmasters club.

The lead must include a name and the contact information for a person who is a key stakeholder in the organization.

Join The SWAT Team:

  • Attend SWAT (Supportive, Willing, Admirable, Toastmaster) Team Training, and earn a pin.

Serve On A SWAT Team:

  • Serve on a demo team and earn some great Toastmasters swag!

Club Quality Incentives

Get your club members together and collaborate in excellence!

ACEs are “Awesome Collaborators in Excellence” – a squadron visits another club to support and network with other Toastmasters. To qualify as an ACE visit, a the squadron must have a minimum of 4 members (dual members of both clubs do not count toward the total) visit another club, and each member must perform some sort of supporting role (take a role at a meeting, help with PR, or any other support the visited club may need). Ideally these visits would be arranged a week or more ahead of time, so the visited club could take maximum advantage of the visit.  Complete this form to track activity.

ACE The Visit:

  • Do one ACE visit, and earn $10 in District Dollars.
  • Do 4 or more ACE visits and receive a shiny new banner ribbon.
  • Limit of four visits per club per year for District Dollars, but more are encouraged!

“I’m An ACE” Award:

  • Any member who participates in at least one ACE visit earns a pin.

High-Flying ACEs:

  • The 3 clubs with the most ACE visits (4 or more visits required) will earn a club pizza party.

Personal Incentives

Most of the incentives above are for clubs. When they recognize individuals, they recognize their efforts as part of a club goal. These incentives are for individuals working on themselves, and doing things that help to advance their own education and the district.

Dynamic Duos:

  • Fill out this form to get matched to an accountability partner to work toward your personal, professional or Toastmasters goals until Spring!

Double-Dog Dare Challenge:

  • Work with a district leader to develop a personal, professional or Toastmasters goal, which you work to achieve this Toastmasters year. Fill out this form to start the conversation!

Club Ambassador:

  • Visit (virtually or in person) other District 35 clubs, meet other Toastmasters, check out their club culture, and see what they do differently and bring back ideas to your club.  Fill in this form for credit.  Make three visits to unique clubs  and earn an Ambassador pin! 

Awards From Toastmasters International

Each year, Toastmasters recognizes clubs that are outstanding in both member recruitment and educational excellence. You can read about the Distinguished Club Program and the Toastmasters Member Building Programs using the links below.

Toastmasters Member Building Programs

  • Smedley Award (August-September) – TI Banner Ribbon
  • Talk Up Toastmasters (February-March) – TI Banner Ribbon
  • Beat The Clock (May-June) – TI Banner Ribbon

Toastmasters Distinguished Club Program

  • President’s Distinguished Club – TI Banner Ribbon
  • Select Distinguished Club – TI Banner Ribbon
  • Distinguished Club – TI Banner Ribbon

District Dollars Q&A

Q: What are District Dollars?
A: It’s an account the district runs for your club. Every time your club earns or spends District Dollars, we adjust your club’s account balance.

Q: What can be purchased?
A: Anything that helps the club mission and promote the club’s growth. This includes D35 conference registration for your club, hybrid meeting equipment, ribbons, pins, books, and almost anything else that helps your club be successful.

Q: What cannot be purchased with District Dollars?
A: Alcohol & travel.

Q: How does a club redeem District Dollars?
A: When an item is purchased for the club, the club submits the receipt to the District Finance Manager. The club can be reimbursed up to the value of the item, or up to the amount of District Dollars they’ve earned – whichever is lower.

Q: Do District Dollars expire?
A: We haven’t had to “expire” any District Dollars yet, and our intention is to roll them over from year to year. This intent is, however, contingent on Toastmasters International financial policy not changing – so we encourage you to spend your District Dollars as soon as is practical.

Q: What’s my club’s District Dollars balance?
A: See the link above.

Q: Other questions?
A: Please direct questions to the District Finance Manager.