Organizing an Open House
Presented by Carol Mather, DTM
Club Coaching Virtual Sessions, March 6th, 2022
We’ll discuss the importance of hosting an Open House to build club membership. We will focus on the planning and implementation of an Open House, as well as having a debriefing discussion with the team on what went well and what can be improved for the next time. And let’s not forget the importance of following up with the guests that attended!

About the presenter:
Carol Mather, DTM
Carol joined Goldmine Toastmasters in September 2016, Davidson Toastmasters shortly after, and was a charter member at Eat Your Words; these are all clubs in District 37 in North Carolina.
Carol joined Fox Speak in July 2017, then Mid-Day Women’s Alliance Toastmasters and later transferred to become a charter member of Water City Speakers, all the time remaining a member of Davidson Toastmasters as their first virtual member.
Carol has been a club VP of Education, VP of Membership, Secretary, President, SAA and also an Area Director. She received her DTM designation in October 2019.
Carol is a Pathways Mentor and a Club Coach. She has completed the Motivational Strategies path and is close to finishing Presentation Mastery (printed version) and Engaging Humor. Carol has earned five Triple Crown awards.