Moments of Truth
Presented by Kris Pool, DTM
Club Coaching Virtual Sessions, January 16th, 2022
A “Moment of Truth” is an episode where a person comes in contact with any aspect of the Toastmasters experience and forms an impression of a club’s quality and service.
What impressions are you giving to your potential and current members? Schedule time with your club to facilitate a Moments of Truth session. Be objective and look at what you are currently doing at your club and where improvements and changes can be or should be made. Then take it a step further and turn those areas of improvement into actual goals and incorporate it into your club success plan.
This is also a great opportunity to participate in the District 35 incentive program. Clubs can earn $25 in District Dollars for completing a Moments of Truth and submitting it to the Trio by March 30, 2022. As a bonus, if you have your Area Director or another current District Executive Committee (DEC) member lead your Moments of Truth, as long as they are NOT part of your club, your club can earn additional $20 in District Dollars!
Learn more about the District 35 Incentive Programs.

About the presenter:
Kris Pool, DTM
Kris Pool is a three-time Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM). For 2021-2022, she is serving as the Immediate Past District Director – District 35, Treasurer – Cream City Communicators, VP Public Relations – Sheboygan Toastmasters, and VP Education and VP Membership – Plymouth Toastmasters.
As a member since April 2005, Kris has held every club officer role except Sergeant at Arms (SAA). She has been the District Newsletter Editor (5 years), Secretary (now Administrative Manager for 2 years), Area E1 Director, Club Growth Director, Program Quality Director, and District Director.
She may have joined Toastmasters initially to polish some of her speaking and leadership skills, but she continues her membership to help others grow into their potential and help where needed.
Feel free to connect with Kris.
Twitter: @Kris_Pool_DTM
Instagram: poolkris